
How should I use this SetSPN command when installing SharePoint

In the SharePoint install document I have it says, If you use a domain user account for the SQL Server service account, you must make sure that a valid service principal name (SPN) for that account and instance of SQL Server on their database server exists in their environment. This is the case regardless of whether you...

Backup/Restore Shared Services Provider on SharePoint MOSS

Hi, I'm having serious issues with backing up and restoring a shared services provider. Using the Central Administration backup I run the backup to s:\ This completes fine. I then from another SharePoint Server choose to restore a backup and point it to the UNC path \machineipaddress\s$\spbr00DF I have given everyone full access to ...

MAX query using CAML

I want to select a sharepoint list item which has the Maximum value for a particular column. How can I do this using CAML queries? ...

SharePoint 2007 navigation and removing its delay

In SharePoint 2007, there's a top nav that the user can hover over, which reveals a dropdown menu of subitems. When they remove their mouse from the dropdown, it disappears, but only after a short delay. This can cause problems, as if people are trying to click a link on the page somewhere, but the nav menu hasn't hidden itself yet, they...

SharePoint Workflows - How to associate with specific content types (particularly folders)?

I noticed when working with SharePoint Designer that each workflow has a config xml with tags. Does anyone know how to: 1) Associate the workflow with a specific content type? 2) Know if it is possible to associate a workflow with folders? ...

Is Sharepoint service pack 1 required for a custom protocol handler?

Is Sharepoint service pack 1 required for a custom protocol handler? ...


Hi all, Everytime I instantiate a PortalSiteMapProvider instance it always defaults to the Root Web Site Collection. I want to be able to acquire a site map from a different collection from an application page. Because of this, the context defaults to the root web since this application page resides under _layouts and is not hosted u...

The Difference between Sharepoint Document Title and Document Name

I am sorry to ask you guys such a low-level question, but I really can not find out the answer. Hope some mad dogs will not bark for my question. A colleague of mine developed a workflow which auto set title to document. With this workflow,as he put it, he can optimize the research and lookup things like that. However I think it can be...

Script to delete files older than a day in Sharepoint document library

I need a script which can delete all files which are older than a day and this script needs to be invoked every day automatically in the Sharepoint server. How can i do this and any hints as how to write the script? ...

How to upload a publishing page using features?

Hi, I'm trying to make a feature to upload a new publishing page in "Pages" library but it doesn't works the way I want. If I see the library using SharePoint Designer my publishing page appears, but it doesn't if I use Internet Explorer. In the feature I configure the properties: ContentTypeId, ContentTye, Author, Title, FileRef, File...

Unit testing code that uses PortalSiteMapProvider

I have a web part that uses PortalSiteMapProvider to query the Sharepoint navigation hierarchy, but unit tests written for that code fail, because the code is being run outside the Sharepoint context and thus no site map providers are available. I've identified two alternate ways of solving this dilemma: Because Sharepoint is basicall...

Ms SharePoint 2007 Template Customization

After downloading the free templates from Microsoft's site I want to combine some features of two templates together. For example, there is a "Contact Management" template and a "Marketing Site" template. Each template has its own "contacts section/form". Ideally, I want to use both templates on my SharePoint server while having them ...

SPListItem.Properties DateTime Fields are in weird Hex format

Does anyone know how to convert these string hex values back into DateTime values? Property my_DateProperty (System.String) = 0x01c9874e|0x98f28800 //l_item is SPListItem Hashtable l_properties = l_item.Properties; if (l_properties != null) { object l_value = null; foreach (string l_key in l_properties.Keys) { ...

Where is the default log location for SharePoint/MOSS?

The title says it all. I found the answer after digging and thought I'd store it here. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\LOGS ...

Regarding MOSS or WSS 3.0, What parts of the API might have been implemented better?

Such as: Sealed Methods you might have liked to extend Exceptions thrown are more vague than is helpful Elimination of Connected Content which was a major feature in MCMS 2002 HTML is stripped from fields when stored and returned. No easy option to work around this problem Creating an SPWeb takes an eternity. Nonexistant migration pat...

Sharepoint refine results control only uses the current pages values.

I have a SharePoint refine search results control on my people search results page. Paging is on for the search results. The control only refines the current pages results. How do I change this behaviour so that despite the core results being paged, the refine results works on all results? ...

Where are SharePoint resources strings located.

I have a page layout, PeopleSearchResults.aspx programmed by someone else. It contains the following tag for a SharePoint refine people search results control. Title="<%$Resources:sps,RefineByTitle%>" Where on earth/SharePoint do I look to find the string that code references? ...

Global Customized View for Document Libraries in Sharepoint

Dear all, In Sharepoint document library, when we create a new document library, the default view is 'All Document'. This one: We can make a custom view from View > Create View (at the upper right corner of document library view). I created a new standard view and named it 'Chromed View'. I edited it, then I saw that this view only a...

What significance does "NewWeb" and "Blank" configurations have in WSS site definitions

I customize a WSS site definitions by tweaking one of the built in definitions. When examining the sts definition, I see it has a configuration "NewWeb" with ID -1, and "Blank" with ID 1. In the sps definition these are defined like this: <Configuration ID="-1" Name="NewWeb"/> <Configuration ID="1" Name="Blank"> <ExecuteUrl Url="_layo...

How to Publish a SharePoint site on the internet

Hi I have a WSS SharePoint site that i need to deploy and publish to that Users will be able to access it through the internet. I know this is possible, but how do i go about getting this done? Does anyone have some good articles? Kind Regards Etienne ...