
Getting value from SPFieldBoolean

How do I get the value from a SPFieldBoolean object? Do I simply cast it to a boolean or do I need to do something further with it? I am fetching it in an EventReceiver class during an ItemAdded event from properties.ListItem["fieldname"]. If there is a chance the field might not exist (and be null), how do I check for that? ...

Can I use SharePoint to authenticate users on a separately hosted website?

The behaviour I would like is for a user to be able to visit a custom built website and if they are already authenticated against sharepoint for the custom website to know who they are and give them various rights. If they are not recognised by sharepoint then I would like them to login to sharepoint and be directed back to the custom we...

Default Website, Sharepoint Apps and SSL conflict.

I have an internal facing webserver with various apps running inside the default website on port 443 (SSL). I wanted to install MOSS 2007 on the same server and rum a portal/collaboration app using the same port 443. I was under the impression that if you use host headers, you can do that. It turns out it is not the case. Sharepoint ins...

How do I create a SharePoint 2007 list from a template via web service?

I have a SharePoint 2007 custom list that I have saved as a list template. I am looking for a way to create a new list from the saved template via a web service call from an outside application. I have already looked into the the basic web services available for SharePoint 2007

link an existing sharepoint site to the current site

Hi, I am currently having a sharepoint site collection which is in my sharepoint development environment (http://Asa-PC:88/home/) I am also having a different sharepoint site collection (http://Asa-PC:2222/sports/), and my requirement is to add the sports sites home page as a page in home site collection, in other words, when I type ht...

How to uninstall a feature in sharepoint 2007?

I need to remove a feature completely from SharePoint with all its assemblies, folders and everything. I found that I can do this by SharePoint management shell, but I don't know how to find, open or download it! ...

Adding a SharePoint feature with multiple class files

I am in the process of making a feature that consists of multiple items. Currently it contains a Feature.xml file with 4 ElementManifest entries; two for a specific contenttype (Field definitions and FieldRefs), one for some webparts and the last is for a custom pagelayout. All of that is working fine. I have altered the file with the ...

remain on the same page when cancel button clicked in sharepoint login

hi all, in my sharepoint site, there is anonymous access. When the user clicks "Cancel" button in login dialog box, 401 unauthorized is coming. I want the page to remain on the welcome page of the sharepoint site with anonymous access, when he clicks cancel button. how to do this? ...

Building a custom DataFormWebPart

Hi All, Can anyone tell me how I should go about building a custom dataview webpart (i.e. dataform web part)? this is the code that I have got so far: [DefaultProperty("Text"), ToolboxData("<{0}:DataViewWP runat=server>"), XmlRoot(Namespace = "DataViewWP")] public class DataViewWP : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart { ...

MOSS 2007 404 error when accessing Lists.asmx webservice

Currently I have an 4.0 app in which I've made a web reference to an MOSS 2007 server. When I access any lists.asmx methods from the root application, everything works fine. However, if I try to change the service URL in C# code-behind to that of a subfolders list.asmx, then access the any method, I get a 404 error. The really st...

Display column from one Sharepoint list into another list

I have one Sharepoint list that contains training courses and duration (in hours). I have another list where users can enter the training they have and plan to take (using a Lookup column connected to the first list) Is there a way I can bring over that Hours column to display on the second list? I only have access to the vanilla web pa...

Denying permissions by default in WSS 3.0

Windows 2003-32bit IIS6 WSS 3.0 (No MOSS Installation) WSS is installed on the Domain Controller (Active Directory). (Not something I did or would do!) WSS is set to NOT allow anoymous access BUT it was at some other time in the past. SSL has been installed and the Web Site on a different website than the original WSS Site when the app...