
SharpSvn question

I was hoping to automate some tasks related to SubVersion, so I got SharpSvn. Unfortunately I cant find much documentation for it. I want to be able to view the changes after a user commits a new revision so I can parse the code for special comments that can then be uploaded into my ticket system. Can anyone help or point me in the ri...

Getting an error while attempting to checkout with SharpSVN

While attempting to use the following code, I am receiving the following error : Already working for different url, error code 155000. string targetPath = @"C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\CPM Creator\"; //" for prettify client.Authenticatio​n.DefaultCredentials​ = new NetworkCredential("guestUser", "hjk$#&123"); // Check...

Diffmerge example with SharpSVN

Has anyone seen an example of how to do a merge using c# and SharpSVN? Thanks in advance Marcco ...

Not all required revisions are specified sharpsvn

Hello all, I am attempting to do a merge using SharpSVN. A bit of research and I have learned the SharpSVN supports the MergDiff function, however when I attempt the code as listed below I am getting an error message of not all required revisions are specified. Thanks try { SvnCheckOutArgs argsSVNCheckout = new ...

Import to the same Subversion repository directory multiple times?

For a number of reasons, the canonical source of some files I have can't be a working copy of the repository (the Subversion server is behind an inaccessible firewall, and the data doesn't natively exist in the file system in my preferred structure). So, I wrote a tool that downloads the data, generates a directory structure from it, and...

How to get latest revision number from SharpSVN?

How to get latest revision number using SharpSVN? ...

Accessing Visual SVN from ASP.Net using sharpsvn API

has any one tried to access VisualSVN repositories through ASP.Net using SharpSVN API ? if yes, what were the challenges ? ...

How to set author of SVN commit using SharpSVN library in c#

I use SharpSvn library from CollabNET. I would like to set revision author while commiting, but I always end up with a commit with my Windows user name. This does not work for me: System.Net.NetworkCredential oCred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user"​, "pass"); client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = oCred; I've tried a...

Implement a faster svn cat with SvnClient

I'm looking for a faster way to retrieve files from SVN than svn cat in .NET. Currently I'm running a svn cat process for each revision, but it's extremely slow. Then I've tried with SvnClient: Stream st = Console.OpenStandardOutput(); SvnWriteArgs wargs = new SvnWriteArgs(); for (int i = 3140; i < 3155; ++i) { ...

How to check if file is under source control in SharpSvn?

Hi I use C# and SharpSvn library. I would like to check if file is under source control before adding it with SvnClient.Add. When I do it on file that already is under SVN than I get error : "is already under version control". ...

Writing a pre-commit hook using SharpSvn. Does it lack svnlook propget?

Hello all I am rewriting an older subversion precommit hook. In our company, we need to make sure that binary files are allowed on commit only if they have the property svn:needs-lock set before commit. I started writing the hook and it looks like every part of the hook works, but I cannot find how to read, if the property is set. I w...

Add file using SharpSVN

Hi, I would like to add all unversioned files under a directory to SVN using SharpSVN. I tried regular svn commands on the command line first: C:\temp\CheckoutDir> svn status -v I see all subdirs, all the files that are already checked in, a few new files labeled "?", nothing with the "L" lock indication C:\temp\CheckoutDir> svn a...

Using SharpSvn to retrieve log entries within a date range

I'm using SharpSvn to interact with my svn repository via C# code. I am using this code to retrieve svn log entries: Collection<SvnLogEventArgs> logitems; var uri = new Uri("http://myserver/svn/foo/bar.txt"); client.GetLog(uri, out logitems); foreach (var logentry in logitems) { string author = logentry.Author; string message =...

SharpSVN read ALL filenames

hey, still a bit of a n00b on SharpSVN, I'm looking to get some simple code to open up an SVN repository, and read (at least) the full path of all files in a specific folder. Lets say that this folder is \trunk\source I'm not looking to checkout or commit, just read into a list I'm also looking to read ALL files, not just the changed...

Does SharpSVN have an API to manage repository permissions

Does anyone know if there is any API exposed to manage repository permissions within SharpSVN? For example, programatically adding read and write permissions on a per repository basis. Alternatively, any other thoughts on managing permissions with other SVN APIs? Worst case wil be manually managing the contents of svnaccessfile but this...

SharpSVN Path Problem..

Having a problem with SharpSVN (1.5 and 1.6) checking out code. (Note, I also have Tortoise 1.5 installed on my machine) This same code has worked previously, so I don't know why things might have broken. using (SvnClient client = new SvnClient()) { SvnUriTarget url = new SvnUriTarget(checkoutURL.ToString()); client.Authenticat...

SharpSvn CreateDirectories

Hi all I'm trying to create a website that will automate project setup. I want to create SVN directories using SharpSVN. Here's what I tried: SvnClient svnClient = new SvnClient(); svnClient.CreateDirectories(new[] { string.Format("svn://{0}/trunk/", ProjectN...

Get log details for a specific revision number in a post-commit hook with SharpSVN?

I'm trying to write a post-commit hook using SharpSVN but can't figure out how to get the changeset info using SharpSVN given the revision number and the path to the repo. Any ideas are much appreciated. ...

SharpSVN get post-commit-hook with 'SvnLookClient'

I'm trying to figure out how to get the commit message for a particular revision. It looks like SvnLookClient is probably what I need I found some code here on SO that looks like what I need but I seem to be missing something.. Code I found (here on so): using (SvnLookClient cl = new SvnLookClient()) { SvnChangeInfoEventArgs ci; ...

Allowing the local aspnet account to excute SharpSvn.CreateRepository

I’ve got an ASP.NET web app which is trying to execute the CreateRepository method within SharpSvn so that new repos can be provisioned through a web interface. Everything runs fine when executing the app from within Visual Studio as it’s running under my own identity which has rights to the VisualSVN server instance running on my local ...