
Desktop Namespace Extension in Windows 7: Unable to drag and drop

I have a program which makes use of a desktop Namespace extension. In Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista, users can drag icons onto an icon on the desktop and the program is launched. However, in Windows 7 (both Home and Ultimate), all that happens is the icon order is rearranged. I tried using Sysinternals dbgview.exe. It ...

What is a reliable way to get a DLL to load when Windows Explorer loads?

I am researching the development of an add-on for Windows Explorer that will add some enhancements to the WebDAV therein, and to that end I'm looking for a good, reliable way to force a DLL to be loaded with Windows Explorer in XP/Vista/Win7 32- and 64-bit OSes. I seem to recall that a BHO would be loaded by Windows Explorer in the same...

How do I write shell extension context menu in C++ Builder 2010?

I'm looking for some examples for writing a shell extension in C++ Builder 2010 (2007 and 2009 would also probably be relevant) so I can right click a file in Explorer and get the file path in my VCL program. I have followed Clayton Todd's tutorial, but it's from 2001, and I have some trouble getting it to work. I can't get it to call m...

Windows shell extension with C#

I was wanting to write a simple windows shell extension to add to the context menu, and C# is the language I most use these days. Is it a decent choice for a shell extension? Are the interfaces easy to get to with it? Is there additional overhead that causes the menu to be slower to pop up? Any one have good pointers for getting st...

How do I include bitmaps on items I've added to the end of a context menu?

Hi all. I'm currently writing a Windows Explorer Shell Extension. Everything is ok so far but I'm having trouble to insert menu items WITH MenuItemBitmaps at the end of the context menu. Here is the code I used without the bitmaps: HRESULT CSimpleShlExt::QueryContextMenu(HMENU hmenu, UINT /*uMenuIndex*/, UINT uidFirstCmd, UINT /*uidLa...

Anyone have a database of file extensions & icons to go with the extensions?

Ok, im developing some software which requires file icons to display lists of files on a computer... i don't want to use the system ExtractAssociatedIcon api's i'd rather load the icons for the file extensions out of a database... (as some systems may not have certain files associated etc)... Does anyone have a database of file extensi...

Why doesn't interface inheritance work when writing shell extensions in c#?

According to this article about writing shell extensions in .Net, inheriting the shell interfaces as you might naturally do when writing code doesn't work. I've observed this in my own code as well. Doesn't work: public interface IPersist { // stuff specific only to IPersist } public interface IPersistFolder : IPersist { // st...

In-Proc SxS opens for shell extension in managed code?

The recommendation used to be "Do not write in-process shell extensions in managed code." But with .NET Framework 4 and In-Process Side-by-Side the main reason not to write shell extensions in managed code should be resolved. With that said, I have three questions. Is it now okay to write shell extensions in managed code? Which probl...

Is there a Click Handler for Shell Extension

After going through MSDN Shell Extensions I am not quite sure if I can extend the behaviour of Shell Click or Click Event of explorer. Any suggestion or Code Snipet, article or Walk through? ...

Making a Windows shell extension in Visual Studio 2010

I'm trying to create an absurdly simple shell extension in C++ using Visual Studio 2010, but I can't even seem to get the examples out there to work as a starting point. I'm using Windows 7 x64. I've tried this Visual Studio template, but once I get the template to work in VS2010, I have a host of errors that I'm not sure how to fix. ...

Creating RightClick Menu for Explorer

If some one can provide some sample articles on how to create Right Click Menu for Drives. Here is what needed: The right click menu will contain two additional things, i.e: Connect and Disconnect. Can we make it conditional? I mean for some condition The drive will make the Connect enabled(Ideally when not connected) and when connected...

How do we register Shell extension with a certain file extension

I have tested a small shell extension referring to the article on code project. Though the whole process is quite complicated , I have some how idea what are the follwoing methodsand what do thet do.: Initialize,DragQueryFile,GetCommandString,InvokeCommand,QueryContextMenu But after reading through it I can not understand how Our Co...

EnableMenuItem Function Is not Working With the parameter MF_GRAYED

Have created a ATL COM project through which I am inserting Menu Items to The rightclick menu like this: STDMETHODIMP CSimpleShlExt::QueryContextMenu ( HMENU hmenu, UINT uMenuIndex, UINT uidFirstCmd, UINT uidLastCmd, UINT uFlags ) { gHMenu=hmenu; UINT uCmdID = uidFirstCmd; // If t...

error C2065: 'MIIM_STRING' : undeclared identifier

While Trying to create a Menu to SubMenu using InsertMenuItem: MENUITEMINFO mii = { sizeof(MENUITEMINFO) }; mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_ID; mii.wID = uCmdID++; mii.hSubMenu = hSubmenu; mii.dwTypeData = _T("Net&Work Drive Solution"); // InsertMenu ( hmenu, uMenuIndex, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, // (UINT_...

Can we execute rightclick without using pCmdInfo->lpVerb

I am not agnaist using pCmdInfo->lpVerb but my problem is how will we handle the situation when we create the rightclick submenus dynamically. For example, I have the following scenario: if(strcmp(cRegKeyVal,"Connected")==0) { //g_bConnectStatus=TRUE; InsertMenu ( m_hSubmenu , 0, MF_BYPOSITION|MF_GRAYED, m_uCmdID++,...

How to differentiate Whether a Drive or NetWork Drive, on RightClick

When I Rightclick on a Shell Drive I want to differentiate whether the Drive is a Normal Drive or a Network Drive. I hope we can do this using Initialize(LPCITEMIDLIST, LPDATAOBJECT, HKEY) method but unsure which parameter to use. ...

Can I write an Extension for External Harddisk

I want to secure my external hard disk by writing sort of ShellExtension. But Shell extension is Workstation Specific. Is there a way I can write an application that will show a authentication or an extension encrypt my drive data so user will get a failure message when double click on my drive. ...

How to update windows explorer's shell extension without rebooting.

There is a windows explorer extension dll. This dll can be update automatically if there is new one in our server. I rename the origin dll and download the new dll. But Windows Explorer never reload a new one. So I kill the windows explorer and relaunch. But this is looked very ugly. And I don't want to recommend a user should reboot. ...