
Register/Unregister COM dll verbs are not working in vista

I am trying to use the registry settings from this page to add two menu-items to the explorer context menu in vista to register and unregister COM DLLs. But for some reason they do not work. I have checked the registry using Regedit and the keys do exist on my system. I have also tried logging on and off the system several times but stil...

How to pass in multiple file/folder paths via a rigth-click event(verb) to an executable?

Related: How to add new items to right-click event on Folders and Files in Windows? I added custom right-click verb to all files by adding registry keys to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*. End result looks like this HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*\Shell\TestRightClick\Command -------Default = c:\RightClickTest.exe "%1" Problem: when selecting multip...

WinApi ShellExecuteEx - using verb 'copy' on a file list

Hello, is it possible to use ShellExecuteEx to copy or cut a group of files in a given directory ? The Windows function works fine on a single file but I can't find anywhere any tips over the subject (with a file list). I don't expect any alternative method ( such as xcopy) because I need the windows shell function undo/redo after perfo...