I love short if statements without braces (PHP) like
if ($x === $y)
echo $z;
If I want to add a few lines (maybe just temporary for debugging) I have to manually add the braces. Is there a plugin for netbeans that does that via shortcut, something like "toggle (add/remove) previous statement braces"?
Is there a way to set a default initialize method without writing it down?
class DataClass
attr_accessor :title, :description, :childs
def hasChilds?
I Want to initialize this class with standard initial attributes. Something like this:
$> a = DataClass.new(:title => "adsf", :description => "test")
$> a...
I want to add a shortcut in my program menu. i tried:
<Component Id='myId' Guid='E4DED108-0129-4a5b-83FE-C9D1E3025B00'>
<File Id='MyFileID' Name='Prog.exe' DiskId='1' Source='.\Prog.exe' KeyPath='yes'>
<Shortcut Id='myShortcut' Name='Prog' Icon='MyIcon.exe' IconIndex='0' Directory='ProgramMenuDir' Adver...
In XCode there are some useful functions commented out with /* and a corresponding */. Is there a shortcut that will quickly remove these? Can a shortcut be made using AppleScript, or is there a better way?
Does anyone else is annoyed by putting strings into double quotes manually ? If I'm not writing code from left to right, but pasting Strings (which happens very often), especially if double click selects the content between surrounding double quotes, I must go at the beginning, type ", then at the end and type " again...very annoying.
Hello everyone, I am a Vim user and sometimes I made several changes in a file but then want to get back to the beginning and have to type :u a lot of times, so I ask you if there is a shortcut to get to the "oldest change"?
Rodrigo Alves Vieira
http://rodrigo3n.com | @rodrigo3n
In my app I have a ListView when user click on an item some action is performed.
Now I want to make a context menu for list item with possibility to add this action to home screen as a shortcut.
Could somebody offer me some link or a hint how to do this?
I have seen some people creating properties in C# really fast but I don't know how they did it.
Does anyone know what short cut are available in Visual Studio (currently using 2010) to create properties?
I am using C#.
public string myString {get;set;}
What is the code-snippet or short cut to create a constructor in Visual Studio?
Visual Studio 2010 and C#.
I've used before but I can't remember.
I'm having trouble setting the working directory of a shortcut created as part of a WiX script. Here are the basics:
<!-- create a start menu shortcut. -->
<Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder">
<Directory Id="ApplicationProgramsFolder" Name="My Name">
<Component Id="ApplicationShortcut" Guid="822A26AF-5231-4EDA-A18D-5DF15020BD94">
Hello everyone, my question is how to send some key's to any application from application that is running in background? Let's say that I made shortcut to LEFT ARROW key which is ALT+S, and than I want whenever I'm in any application and when I press ALT+S that background application response that shortcut and send to currently opened pr...
Is there a shortcut in Textmate for quickly adding/removing comments in HTML/JavaScript?
I need to programmatically create a shortcut using C++.
How can I do this using Win32 SDK?
What API function can be used for this purpose?
is it possible to send the word under the cursor to a perl script by typing a shortcut?
how do i do that?
Hi everybody,
i have a question: is it possible to set the position of a shortcut inside the wallpaper?
i have done some search but i don't found nothing relevant.
Is there any way to put an extra into the intent launched by a shortcut?
I am trying to allow drag&drop from my program (winforms) to windows 7 taskbar (pin my program), without success.
What am I doing wrong?
DataObject objData = new DataObject();
objData.SetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, true, new string[] { Application.ExecutablePath });
((Control)sender).DoDragDrop(objData, DragDropEffects.Link);
I'm a Java developer, so please excuse my ignorance.
I want to create a shortcut to an executable, e.g., in the user's autostart or send-to folder (I don't want an installer to do that, because the installer usually is run by an administrator). What API (C preferred) I could use for that task (maybe using JNA)? Thanks in advance.
In my JTable I have a number of actions that can accessed via popup menu or by selecting the configured shortcut. Selecting the action from the popup using mouse or keyboard is fine, and I can use the cursor keys to move to a field next to the original selection no problem. However if I use the shortcutkey instead it performs the action ...
In my VS Setup & Deployment project, I want to create a desktop shortcut whose name is set to the [ProductName] property. Instead of using the property, the setup program simply treats [ProductName] as a string literal. How can I get it to behave the way I want?