
Netbeans PHP - add/remove curly braces plugin/shortcut

I love short if statements without braces (PHP) like if ($x === $y) echo $z; If I want to add a few lines (maybe just temporary for debugging) I have to manually add the braces. Is there a plugin for netbeans that does that via shortcut, something like "toggle (add/remove) previous statement braces"? ...

"Magic constructor" in Ruby for all attributes

Is there a way to set a default initialize method without writing it down? class DataClass attr_accessor :title, :description, :childs def hasChilds? @childs.nil? end end I Want to initialize this class with standard initial attributes. Something like this: $> a = => "adsf", :description => "test") $> a...

Wix: Add shortcut not in a subfolder!

Hello, I want to add a shortcut in my program menu. i tried: <Component Id='myId' Guid='E4DED108-0129-4a5b-83FE-C9D1E3025B00'> <File Id='MyFileID' Name='Prog.exe' DiskId='1' Source='.\Prog.exe' KeyPath='yes'> <Shortcut Id='myShortcut' Name='Prog' Icon='MyIcon.exe' IconIndex='0' Directory='ProgramMenuDir' Adver...

How to delete /* and */ quickly in XCode

In XCode there are some useful functions commented out with /* and a corresponding */. Is there a shortcut that will quickly remove these? Can a shortcut be made using AppleScript, or is there a better way? ...

eclipse - shortcut for surrounding a String by double quotes

Does anyone else is annoyed by putting strings into double quotes manually ? If I'm not writing code from left to right, but pasting Strings (which happens very often), especially if double click selects the content between surrounding double quotes, I must go at the beginning, type ", then at the end and type " again...very annoying. ...

Vim command to reset to the oldest change?

Hello everyone, I am a Vim user and sometimes I made several changes in a file but then want to get back to the beginning and have to type :u a lot of times, so I ask you if there is a shortcut to get to the "oldest change"? Cheers! Rodrigo Alves Vieira | @rodrigo3n ...

Shortcut on the home screen to an action in my app

In my app I have a ListView when user click on an item some action is performed. Now I want to make a context menu for list item with possibility to add this action to home screen as a shortcut. Could somebody offer me some link or a hint how to do this? ...

Short cut to create properties in Visual Studio?

I have seen some people creating properties in C# really fast but I don't know how they did it. Does anyone know what short cut are available in Visual Studio (currently using 2010) to create properties? I am using C#. ex. public string myString {get;set;} Thanks. ...

Code-snippet or short cut to create a constructor in Visual Studio

What is the code-snippet or short cut to create a constructor in Visual Studio? Visual Studio 2010 and C#. I've used before but I can't remember. ...

Setting working directory for a WiX shortcut

I'm having trouble setting the working directory of a shortcut created as part of a WiX script. Here are the basics: <!-- create a start menu shortcut. --> <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder"> <Directory Id="ApplicationProgramsFolder" Name="My Name"> <Component Id="ApplicationShortcut" Guid="822A26AF-5231-4EDA-A18D-5DF15020BD94"> ...

how to send key's to any application that is currently running from background program (c++)

Hello everyone, my question is how to send some key's to any application from application that is running in background? Let's say that I made shortcut to LEFT ARROW key which is ALT+S, and than I want whenever I'm in any application and when I press ALT+S that background application response that shortcut and send to currently opened pr...

Textmate shortcut for add/remove HTML or JavaScript comments

Is there a shortcut in Textmate for quickly adding/removing comments in HTML/JavaScript? ...

How to programmatically create a shortcut using Win32

I need to programmatically create a shortcut using C++. How can I do this using Win32 SDK? What API function can be used for this purpose? ...

vim run perl script with word under cursor as argument

is it possible to send the word under the cursor to a perl script by typing a shortcut? how do i do that? ...

Android shortcut position

Hi everybody, i have a question: is it possible to set the position of a shortcut inside the wallpaper? i have done some search but i don't found nothing relevant. Thanks ...

Android shortcut intent with extra

Is there any way to put an extra into the intent launched by a shortcut? ...

DoDragDrop() to windows 7 taskbar

I am trying to allow drag&drop from my program (winforms) to windows 7 taskbar (pin my program), without success. What am I doing wrong? DataObject objData = new DataObject(); objData.SetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, true, new string[] { Application.ExecutablePath }); ((Control)sender).DoDragDrop(objData, DragDropEffects.Link); ...

Win32API: how to create a shortcut (.lnk file)

I'm a Java developer, so please excuse my ignorance. I want to create a shortcut to an executable, e.g., in the user's autostart or send-to folder (I don't want an installer to do that, because the installer usually is run by an administrator). What API (C preferred) I could use for that task (maybe using JNA)? Thanks in advance. ...

JTable cell loses focus after run an action on selected cells if use keyboard shortcut and temporaily disable the JTable

In my JTable I have a number of actions that can accessed via popup menu or by selecting the configured shortcut. Selecting the action from the popup using mouse or keyboard is fine, and I can use the cursor keys to move to a field next to the original selection no problem. However if I use the shortcutkey instead it performs the action ...

How do I create a shortcut with the name set to [PRODUCTNAME] in a VS Setup and Deployment project?

In my VS Setup & Deployment project, I want to create a desktop shortcut whose name is set to the [ProductName] property. Instead of using the property, the setup program simply treats [ProductName] as a string literal. How can I get it to behave the way I want? ...