
sIFR: visible on local, not remote

When working on a static mirror of the site, the sIFR is rendered correctly using Dreamweaver's live view. When viewing site locally in a browser, the regular text is printed, as expected. However, when uploaded and viewed from a remote web server, neither is visible. I am using version 3 of sIFR, and the site can be viewed here, with a...

sifr and IE8 - the three X's - please help - is there a reason why this happens?

Hi, I have been using sifr on a production website, unfortunately it renders incorrectly in IE8. I have removed sifr from the live version, but it is still visible on the staging version. Here is the staging version: Interestingly sifr is used in a couple of places on the page. At the top it replaces the ...

sIFR 3 Uppercase

Can someone please explain how can I implement text-transform: uppercase; feature with sIFR 3? On the doc, it explains how to use it but I really don't know how to implement it. Can someone provide an example? Specifes text transformation. This is handled by sIFR because Flash does not support this natively. It is applied to a...

Usage of image in sIFR

Hi there, I want to use sIFR in my blog posts also. But there's a major problem that I couldn't fix. Let's say the blog post is between these divs: <div class="post">BLOG POST IS HERE</div> So, my selector is .post. When I insert an image tag inside this div, the image isn't being showed by the browser. Just like this: <div class=...

Sifr doesn't work in FF 3

When I check this site in IE and FF. I found out that sifr works in ie but not in FF. link to the site You can see the difference in the h1 tags Can anyone tell me what I do wrong? ...

sIFR v2.0.7 + Flash Bug

I have a few websites that use the awesome sIFR v2.0.7 and they've developed a nasty 'green background' bug. I've been reading documentation on and it seems the fix is to upgrade to sIFR v2.0.7 - which I am already using.. Test Case > ^ 'Welcome to Pretty ...

sIFR 3 changeCSS problem

Hi everybody, I just have a short question about switching the color of sifr objects on the fly with changeCSS: The point is, that I'd like to change the color of the two headers whenever the user clicks on the "Switch style to..." on the upper right corner. Check the example page: - and after clicking on the...

modifyContentString returns [object Window] instead of "real" content

Hello everybody, I try to manipulate the sifr output. I want to add some kind of bullet in front of it (»). I found the method "modifyContentString" at the sifr 3 wiki. But I cannot get the contents. All I receive is an [object Window]. What went wrong? sIFR.replace(myFont, { selector: '#sidebar li', modifyContentString: functi...

sIFR ok on one browser not on on onother (not trivial!)

Hi, I use newest sIFR version. It works on some browsers and does not on other. Flash version doesn't seem to matter, and on one computer it works on IE8 but won't go with FF3. The thing is that if it fails to work it just displays nothing, no regular text/typefaces, just an empty space. The site is Do you hav...

.sifr-active, visibility: hidden; not working in Safari 4.0.2?

Hi, I trying to hide the element before replacement by using the .sIFR-active class, set on the HTML element, to apply CSS rules to elements when sIFR is active. I set the visibility: hidden; and it is working fine in IE and Firefox. Not Safari. Any idea? ...

sifr recognising < a > tags when they are the root element

It doesn't seem like sIFR renders the text as a link when the tag you are replacing IS the < a > link instead of containing the link. Have I missed something or can this be added to the new version? Thanks Dave ...

sIFR v2 overlaping slimbox (and possibly other lightbox tools)

Just installed sIFR into the site I am building (a personal portfolio site). When using it on pages with slimbox popups, sIFR overlaps the slimbox and makes it dificult to see the image. I tried applying a high z-index to the items I didn't want overlapped, but that didn't solve anything. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like (since...

sIFR does not work with Adobe CS4

I just recently downloaded sIFR and cannot get the fla source file to open in Adobe CS4. Is anybody else experiencing this problem and if so, have you found a solution. ...

Sifr Horizontal Menu with LI

Hello, I am designing a very simple horizontal menu with sIFR and CSS list. The thing about it is that it assigns a certain width to it that makes texts of different widths´ spacing look weird on screen. I´ve seen a default width and height of a certain amount, but what I need is to make it so that the flash is exactly the size of the ...

Is there a way to make sIFR font-weight as font?

Hi! I have a little problem. I want to use Helvetica Neue 75 Bold in sIFR, but I can’t manage to make a working sifr-file. It works perfectly with Helvetica Neue Ultra Light, and Black, but not Bold. I guess it is because bold is an option in css, and so on, but I’ve tried that. I also tried to convert it to ttf, and then export it via ...

sIFR not showing up on my page?

I am trying to use sIFR and am having problems making it show. I have an h1 tag on my page, followed by <script type="text/javascript"> if(typeof sIFR == "function"){ sIFR.replaceElement("h1", "flash/revolution.swf", "#000000", null, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0); } </script> I have both sIFR style sheets attached, as well ...

Manipulate sIFR color with javascript

Is there a way affect the sifr hover color from a javascript event? I know you can set up sifr to have rollover states and that works fine, but what i'm trying to do is rollover an image and then have the sifr object's hover color show. Is this possible? I'd prefer not to rebuild the object if that's at all possible. I can't point you ...

IE7 Problem with sIFR when <br> is inside an H3

I have a problem I just discovered when viewing certain pages in IE7. If I have a very long header that wraps to a second line, or worse, if I put a BR in the middle, that throws off the spacing. One page to look at: broken example1 You'll notice that the margin at the top of the page gets offset as the headings are rendered, throwing...

Sometimes heading doesn't render in IE7

This is strange... I have some files where one of my headings seems to randomly render or not render. This makes debugging difficult... Check out this page first. You should see the word "Synopsis" in green above the main text. Sometimes it's missing, but only in IE7 (I have not tested this in IE8). If you then browse around using the...

sifr in Chrome only displaying tiny text

I have sifr v3 revision 419 running fabulously on IE7, FF3 and Safari, but in Chrome and FF2 the text renders really tiny! Anyone got any clues why this is happening? I have specified the h1 and .sIFR-active h1 as both 24px. Many thanks in advance! ...