
Self Signed Applet Can it access Local File Systems

Hi I have created a Self Signed Applet , but not able to access local files system .What have i to do ? ...

Signedness of enum in C/C99/C++/C++x/GNU C/GNU C99

Hello Is enum type signed or unsigned? Is the Signedness of enums differ in C/C99/ANSI C/C++/C++x/GNU C/ GNU C99? Thanks ...

Unable to sign an imported msi.dll assembly using tlbimp

This seems so trivial, yet I can't get it to work.. I have an msi.dll wrapper (named Interop.WindowsInstaller.dll) which I need to sign. The way to do it is by signing it upon import (this specific case is even documented in MSDN: BUT - no matter how I do it (w/ or w/o a keyfile, ...

Improving method to read signed 8-bit integers from hexadecimal.

Scenario: I have a string of hexadecimal characters which encode 8-bit signed integers. Each two characters represent a byte which employ the leftmost (MSB) bit as the sign (rather than two's complement). I am converting these to signed ints within a loop and wondered if there's a better way to do it. There are too many conversions and ...

JNA unsigned integer by reference gives strange results

I'm currently trying to access a C API using JNA. But I have a problem with unsigned integer parameters that are being passed by reference. So here is the C function in question: int EE_DataGetNumberOfSample(DataHandle hData, unsigned int* nSampleOut); In Java I have: public int EE_DataGetNumberOfSample(Pointer hData, ByReference nS...

Problem running VBScript from my UIAccess VB app using MSScriptControl

I'm trying to run some VBSCRIPT from within my application. This works fine when I run my program from within VB. But once I add "UIAccess=true" to my manifest and digitally sign my exe with my certificate, I am unable to run the code any more. It gives errors when I try to interface with any program saying "429: ActiveX component can't ...

The application is not installed on iphone because it is not signed.

Hello, When I try to install my app. to client's iphone I got this type of error:The application is not installed on iphone because it is not signed. ...

How to verify a jar signed with ant

Can i check signed file with ant? i sign jar files with and now i want to test it before to deploy it. I can chek with jarsigner -verify sbundle.jar but i do not know if is possible with ant do that? ...

Unsigned versus signed numbers as indexes

Whats the rationale for using signed numbers as indexes in .Net? In Python, you can index from the end of an array by sending negative numbers, but this is not the case in .Net. It's not easy for .Net to add such a feature later as it could break other code perhaps using special rules (yeah, a bad idea, but I guess it happens) on indexi...

How do I extract who signed a controlled access section in Lotus Notes?

I would like to export the contents of a Lotus Notes database to XML. In the resulting file I would like to see who had signed a particular controlled access section. I know that the digital signatures are not exported. All I need to know is who signed the section and when did he/she do it. In what way can I use the DXL Exporter to e...

Consensus? MySQL, Signed VS Unsigned Primary/Foreign Keys

Hello, I have seen a couple threads about what everyone was doing now a days in regards to signed vs unsigned key values. It would seem that unsigned is optimal since it allows twice the number of rows for the same cost. Are there any benefits with signed keys? Is there any standard consensus? Its seems like signed is the answer since "...

How to print a signed integer as hexadecimal number in two's complement with python?

I have a negative integer (4 bytes) of which I would like to have the hexadecimal form of its two's complement representation. >>> i = int("-312367") >>> "{0}".format(i) '-312367' >>> "{0:x}".format(i) '-4c42f' But I would like to see "FF..." ...

C++ Reading signed 32-bit integer value

Hi everyone, I have a multi-byte primitive type called s32 which I want to read from a byte array. The specifications are: It is a 32-bit signed integer value, stored in little-endian order. Negative integers are represented using 2's complement. It uses 1 to 5 bytes depending on the magnitude. Each byte contributes its low seven ...

MAC Address using script in IE (activeX)

Hi , everybody, I have found a code sample to get the mac address of a PC but my problem is that it only work when launched on the desktop (locally) but when I upload the HTML page on my server it doesn't work at all. is there a way to sign this script inside a cab or something else to make it work online? thank you to help me. I am stu...

Arithmetic Overflow

Why is it that an arithmetic overflow cannot occur when adding an positive and a negative number using two's complement. If you could please provide an example with 8-bit signed integers (bytes). ...

Would it break the language or existing code if we'd add safe signed/unsigned compares to C/C++?

After reading this question on signed/unsigned compares (they come up every couple of days I'd say): I wondered why we don't have proper signed unsigned compares and instead this horrible mess? Take the output from this small program: #include <stdio.h>...

Practical example of 32 bit unsigned, signed, 64 bit differences

I'm a fairly new programmer and I was wondering if someone could give me a practical explanation/example on the differences and uses between working with signed, unsigned and 32 bit vs 64 bit? i.e. I read an article about how Twitter had developers switch to 64 bit last year but I wasn't sure the reasoning and the specific nature to it....

How do I convert hex string into signed integer?

I'm getting a hex string that needs to be converted to a signed 8-bit integer. Currently I'm converting using Int16/Int32, which will obviously not give me a negative value for an 8-bit integer. If I get the value 255 in Hex, how do I convert that to -1 in decimal? I assume I want to use an sbyte, but I'm not sure how to get that valu...

Signed right shift = strange result?

I was helping someone with their homework and ran into this strange issue. The problem is to write a function that reverses the order of bytes of a signed integer(That's how the function was specified anyway), and this is the solution I came up with: int reverse(int x) { int reversed = 0; reversed = (x & (0xFF << 24)) >> 24; ...

signed RSL without Flex (pure AS3 project)

Here there's a brief explanation of how we can "simulate" the RSL system used in Flex with pure AS3: But what about signed RSLs? can we use that technique to load SWZ files too? will them be cached by the player? how can we "reuse" a SWZ cached by the player in...