
.NET Signed XML Prefix

Is there a way to set the prefix on the Signature of a Signed XML Document (SignedXml class in .Net)? So instead of: <Signature xmlns="; ... </Signature> I could have the following: <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="; ... </ds:Signature> ...

Signing XML with Public Key Example?

I'm working to implement a SAML service. As such, I believe the identity provider is supposed to digitally sign the SAML assertion using the service provider's public key before sending the assertion to the service provider (which the service provider verifies using their private key). However, I'm having a hard time finding any exampl...

Digitally Sign Parts of a XML document

I have an XML document having structure similar to the following <envelop> <header>blaa</header> <message>blaa blaa</message> <footer></footer> </envelop> I want to digitally sign the header and message elements and add the signature to the footer element. How can I sign the elements and then later verify the signature (...

SignedXml generates invalid signatures

I've been trying to get the XMLDSIG support in .NET to behave properly, more specifically the SignedXml class. I'm implementing a third party service and they've just recently started requiring that all messages have to be digitally signed... My problem is that, I can't seem to generate valid signatures. Both the third party service, an...

How to compute digital signature using A1 and A3 certificates without password or something similar

Hi! I'm developing a software using A1 and A3 certificates to sign documents. My customers have a lots of certificates in their repositories and always need to send signed documents using a specific certificate, but the problem is that they always need to put a password. I would like to know if its possible to sign files using stored p...

Exception using wsHttpBinding based WCF service when SignedXml used to verify Certificates

Hello, We are trying to authenticate the WCF request using Digital Certificate. This WCF service is actually a built through Biztalk WCF Adapter and hosted in IIS with wsHttpBinding. We are trying to implement message security and one of the feature requirement is to use certificates to authenticate. We are using SignedXml to check th...