
Windows CE Silverlight Setup

Hi All, I have an embedded device,its includes windows CE 6.0 Build 3112.I want to run silverlight application on this device.I downloaded silverlight application,when I want to install it says "Silverlight is not valid application windows CE" so what can i do? Thx. ...

Silverlight for windows embedded

Dear All This is my xaml file. <UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="SilverlightApplication1.Page" Width="640" Height="480" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="

iMX31 dependencies?

Dear all I am beginner in an silverlight application. So at first i looked on demo application which is provided by wince 6.0 r3 at location WINCE600\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\DEMOS\XAMLPERF - this contains c++ code and WINCE600\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\FILES\XAMLPERF - this contains xaml file with the images Now before running this applic...

How to implement code for multiple buttons using c++ in Silverlight for Windows Embedded

Dear all I have referred the following link: Silverlight for Windows Embedded By referring this link i created a demo application which consist of two buttons created using Microsoft expression blend 2 tools. And then written a code referring the above site. Now my button names are "Browser Button" and "Media Button". On click of any...

How to use OPENGL API in wince 6.0 r3 platform builder

Hi All How to use the following interface in wince 6.0 r3 for implementing hardware acceleration for graphics in silverlight IRenderer ICustomSurface ICustomGraphicsDevice Thanks in Advance ...

How to add Silverlight in Windows CE 6.0?

I want to add Silverlight in my win ce . Can anybody tell how to add the Silverlight application? And what are the thing I want to add in the catalog menu. Please tell me the steps for this. ...

Determining XAML parse error locations on CE

We're evaluating using Silverlight on C++ for an embedded project and are prototyping some screens for a demonstration. What I'm finding is that Expression Blend will create XAML files that work fine on the desktop but, when porting them over to the CE device results in parse errors (apparently not all tags and elements are supported on...