
Which repository holds the Maven 2 Simian plugin?

Is there a Maven Simian plugin available for Maven 2.x? I can't seem to locate a repository which holds it. The earliest mention I could find was an unreleased version at: Perhaps I'm googling using the wrong terms... ...

How do you use the maven-simian-plugin in Maven2?

I'm looking for a Maven2 reporting plugin for Simian and the closest thing to such a reporting I found is this. The problem is, the documentation for it appears to be for Maven 1 instead. Why is a Maven 1 plugin stored in a Maven 2 repository? I suppose that means I can use it... but how to use? The site mentions reporting but if I don't...

Tips to show similarities in files

In a project, I found some css files that "smell" like there are copy-pasted rules in them. I wonder what are your strategies for detecting copy-paste stuff in files. Just of curiosity i'd like to hear your tips and tricks for showing file similarities! ...

How do I get Simian to produce a nice HTML report I can email to everyone on the team?

I am trying to discover how great our problem is with duplicate code, therefore I need to be able to mail a nice report (HTML, PDF, or word) to everyone on the team that lists all the duplicates that are found. How do I create such a report? (At this stage, I am just looking for a one-of ad hock solution to help with scoping the proble...

Set up ignore block comments for Simian Ant Task

Is it possible to set up start and end comments for disabling simian in an Ant task? I've seen various forums talking about a command line option to disable simian for certain blocks of code using comments and I have tried this in the Ant task doing something like this: <simian ignoreBlocks="simian-start:simian-stop" .... /> And then...