
How can I pass object to Eric Martin's OSX modal?

From my jsp I have something like <table> <tr> <td>${}</td> <td>${event.type}</td> <td>${event.dateString}</td> <td>${}</td> <td><a href="#" class="osx">View event</a></td> </tr> </table> I want to pass the event object to the modal content such that It will display more informati...

Using an iframe in jquery.simplemodal, the iframe reload when the popup is closed

var pt_popup_options = {}; function pt_popup_iframe(sURL, sOkFunction) { pt_popup_okfunction = sOkFunction; $("#pt_msgBox").css('width', '700px'); $("#pt_msgBox").css('heigth', '500px'); $("#pt_msgBox > p").html('<iframe style="width: 696px; height: 496px;" src="' + sURL + '"></iframe>'); $("#pt_msgBox").modal(pt_pop...

Example of SimpleModal with ASP.NET webforms project

I'm looking for a example or article that demonstrates using SimpleModal in an ASP.NET webforms project. Ideally the article would show creates and edits of a grid row using simplemodal. ...

How can I close a SimpleModal dialog when the user clicks the Back button?

When a user clicks on a button or link, I use the SimpleModal jQuery plugin to display a dialog to overlay the entire page, preventing the user from clicking another button or link during the delay before the next page loads. (I'd like to avoid this, but that's an issue for another day.) After the next page displays, if the user clicks ...

Jquery SimpleModal: what is the purpose of the container?

I am trying to use the jQuery SimpleModal plugin and I am curious about something: The description page mentions a "container" div. What is the purpose of this? Do I need to use it to use the plugin? ...

Question about SimpleModal jQuery plugin -- possible to re-center after initial open?

Hi all, my problem has to do with the SimpleModal jQuery plugin. I have no problem opening the modal window, but once it opens it stays where it is [centered] on the screen, however its contents are changing, making it taller and therefore no longer centered. Is there a simple way to realign it so it becomes centered again? EDIT: I th...

Simplemodal: four times on a page leads to extra "next" or "previous" button [solved]

NOTE: This has been edited from the original question with a solution. The original question was too long and had many errors in its thinking. For this I apologize. We experienced a problem when each instance of the call to the simplemodal div class .basic-modal-content added an extra next or previous button in the modal windows at the ...

SimpleModal and Jquery (How to do open and closing animations)? There's two examples near the bottom of the page that show how to either do open or closing animations. I'm pretty new to jquery. How can I declare both onOpen and onClose? (I've only been able to get one to work at a time. jQuery(function ($) { $('a.basic').click(function (e) { ...

SimpleModal Callback problem: Adding OnOpen/OnClose to Next/Prev

I'm using Eric Martin's SimpleModal plugin (thanks, Eric for sharing such a great solution!) on a project and have run into a few problems integrating OnOpen and OnClose effects into my existing code. The page I'm working on has 6 different modals with prev/next functionality and I can't figure out how to integrate the following onOpen ...

In Eric Martin's Simplemodal jQuery plugin, is possible to adjust CSS on the fly?

I would like to adjust the height of the simple-container to match changing depth requirements passed on data returned from the server using $.ajax. It seems that once the modal is fired, all CSS changes on the fly, e.g. $('#someid').css('height','500px') Anyway to override the set CSS? Thanks ...

JQuery Simple Modal OSX Multiple dialogs

HI, I'm planning to use the jquery Simple modal for login and registration on my project site. i tried to have 2 modals as mentioned here. but im still unable to make it work. here is my code jQuery(function ($) { var OSX = { container: null, init: function () { $("a.osx").click(function (e) { e.preventDefa...

Jquery simplemodal call another simplemodal

HI, I want to call another simplemodal from a link in existing modal. how can i do this. im using the OSX modal. ...

Can I disable the ESC key close in SimpleModal

Talking about SimpleModal the jQuery plugin. Most of the time I think it is a handy feature but I am finding that in a certain case I need to remove it. What are my options? ...

Problem display in IE 7 & IE 6 - simplemodal-1.3.4 and Jquery 1.4.2

I have a link, after click this link, a modal was displayed. I used ModalDialog with code: $(document).ready(function() { //linkTTT is link id $("a#linkTTT").click(function() { //content is id of div that contains content $("#content").modal({ onOpen: function(dialog) { dialog.overlay.fad...

simplemodal - IE8 $.support.boxModel is not NULL and no object

Hi, I try to use the simplmodal script from: I got this error $.support.boxModel is not NULL.. in IE8. jquery.simplemodal-1.3.4.min.js?F This is my implementation scipt.. what I have to change to avoid this error? function loadIframe(url){ $.modal('<iframe src="' + url + '" height...

Problems using 2 simplemodal osx calls

I´m developing a webpage that contains two <p> tags (program and events), that shows two different contents. When I click the program button (it´s a <p> tag), it´s ok, it shows the table on the div´s. But, when I click the events button, again it shows the program <p> tag contents, and I want to show the events table content. I´ve read d...

Javascript Print Script Not Working in IE

Greets! I'm a noob struggling to learn html and javascript - getting there slowly. I'm trying to print a DIV served up by SimpleModal. The page is at: This "Print" function is in the recipe box at the bottom. Everything works great in FF, but it doesn't work at all in IE8. I must be doing something fundament...

jquery, simplemodal with a tooltip?

I'm using for my tooltip and simple modal for a modal window. I've got a link in the modal window and when I put my mouse over it, the tooltip is there, but it's beneath the modal window. I think it has to do with "z-index". I looked and I think the modal window is at 1000. I...

Jquery simplemodal close existing modal and open a new one?

Alright, so all modals already have an image at the top right to close them. How can I make additionally another anchor to do the same thing? I thought I could use the "closeClass" option which default to "simplemodal-close" and just add that class to an anchor, but it didn't have the desired effect. Is that what I'm supposed to do? Also...

Using SimpleModal (jQuery plugin) to display a popup iFrame without unnecessary scrollbars

I'm using SimpleModal: And displaying an iframe, as per the example: // Display an external page using an iframe var src = ""; $.modal('<iframe src="' + src + '" height="450" width="830" style="border:0">', { closeHTML:"", containerCss:{ backgr...