
jQuery Simpletip plugin to use the title attribute

How can you make the SimpleTip plugin use each element's title attribute for the tooltip text when you're applying it to a group of elements? $('td[title]').simpletip({ content : << this element's title attribute >> }); ...

Jquery to replicate a PHP effect

Hello, Okay i'm trying to do is replicate the same functionality in an HTML page using JQuery to pull in to the page products from my Database. Currently within the PHP version of this process you have your typical PHP call to the DB to connect: <?php define('INCLUDE_CHECK',1); require "connect.php"; ?> Now there is one section of...

Trouble with simpletips and loading dynamic content

Hi all, I'm trying to use simpletip to generate dynamic tooltips from a database. I am working from this example, which works fine. It's using an image name (the image you hover over) as the key to pass to the PHP for querying the database. $('.exampleselector').simpletip({ content:'<img src=".." alt="loading" style="margin:10px;" ...