
Mixing Single and Double Quotations in Bash

Alright, I have a script that takes a few arguments, runs data, and then rsyncs the data out to a different server. The problem is that to run the data, I have to take one of the arguments and then run a report using it, which is very bash unfriendly (Ex. [3023.2<>1], [5111.3$]="5", etc). So if I'm going to run the command, I need t...

Single quotes in string with jQuery ajax

I have run into a problem where the user enters data and if there are single quotes at all, the script errors out. What's the best way to handle single quotes that users enter so it doesn't interfere with the jquery/javascript? UPDATE: I'm sending it through ajax to a database. here is the data parameter for a json ajax call. data:...

single quotes and double quotes in mysql insert and update query (java)

The ComName is 'a'b'c'"def"j Limited. i try to add \ before every ' and " but the resultant query that is executed is "UPDATE empTable SET empId= '25', ComName = 'a'b'c'"def"j Limited where ID=1" i don't see my Comname within '' and \ is not present before every ' and " Here is the code to construct the column value columnValue....

Need to escape the quotes of a variable in MVC View to pass as a parameter to Javascript

Hi all, I have a MVC view in which I have to pass a string variable to javascript, but that string variable has single quotes in it ('). I am trying to do something like this <a onclick="JavaScript:AddressHandler.ProcessAddress('<%= homeAddress %>');" class="button-link">change</a> homeAddress has single ...

What's the difference between single and double quotes in Perl?

I am just begining to learn Perl. I looked at the beginning perl page and started working. It says: The difference between single quotes and double quotes is that single quotes mean that their contents should be taken literally, while double quotes mean that their contents should be interpreted When I run this program: #!/usr/l...

Javascript string replacement - what's the best way to do this?

I have a problem trying to transform a given input string to a given output string using regular expressions in Javascript. I'm not even sure if what I'm trying to accomplish can be done with regular expressions, or would be most efficient using some other means. I'm hoping someone can help: I have the following input string: #> Some...

HTML: Single vs Double quotes (' vs ")

I've always used single quotes when writing my HTML by hand. I work with a lot of rendered HTML which always uses double quotes. This allows me to determine if the HTML was written by hand or generated. Is this a good idea? What is the difference between the two? I know they both work and are supported by all modern browsers but is ther...

Difference between single quote and double quote string in php

Hi, I'm not a major in PHP programming but I'm a little confused why I see some codes in PHP with string placed in single quote and sometimes in double quote. I just know in .NET, or C language, if it is in single quote, that means it is a character, not a string. ...

HTML & PHP : Doublequotes-Singlequotes Issue

in HTML we can face='Tahoma' face="Tahoma" and in PHP $name = "Junaid"; $name = 'Junaid'; $names = array('Junaid','Junaid','Junaid'); $names = array("Junaid","Junaid","Junaid"); now all these statements are correct with single or double quotes but what difference does it make which is the preferred method what types of quotes t...

PHP - Single Quotes Filtering

i have some HTML code saved in a PHP string $str = "<font size=2 color=#e0e0e0>you don't have a clue</font>"; i have to write this string to DB so the $str has to become part of the query.. now whatever my query... its working fine as long as there are no 'SINGLE QUOTES in the string.... any of the following two will solve my prob...