
Sitecore - Deleting Items from the workbox

Is it possible to delete entries out of the workbox? I have some old items that still are in a draft state. When i press view item / view page I get the content tree without that specific item / a not found error. The workbox however is still showing those old and deleted files. ...

Remove extra query string parameters from ItemNotFoundUrl

I'm using sitecore 5.3 and need to be able to remove the extra query string parameters that sitecore inserts (item=%2faeuaoeu&user=extranet\Anonymous&site=thl) when redirecting to the 404 page specified in ItemNotFoundUrl. In Sitecore 6 I can set <setting name="RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect" value="true"/> and it works but that...

How Do I Open A PDF In Sitecore

How do I open a pdf document stored in Sitecore when a user clicks a link? The pdf document is stored in the Media Library. Here's the code I have now: Sitecore.Data.Fields.LinkField linkField = item.Fields["Url"]; tab.NavigateUrl = linkField.Url; ...

Sitecore - Adding custom fields to the User editor

Is it possible to add custom fields on some tab of the User editor to for example allow Sitecore users to have a profile image? We want a Sitecore based website to allow certain people to visit pages which other user types can't see. Also we want a list of all users with a certain profile. This made me think of custom user fields in the ...

Where are stylesheets typically stored in Sitecore 6.2

Hi, I'm taking over the day to day maintenance of a sitecore 6.2 installation for a corporate website. The vendor that originally designed and constructed it are no longer available to contact for information. Also, no documentation has been written on how it was designed or constructed. My skills are good and I do have some ...

How can I query the Sitecore archive and what can be queried ?

Hi All, How can I query the Sitecore archive and what can be queried ? For instance, can I make a query after the values of the fields of an archived Item ? Kind Regards, M ...

How do I render a Media Library item by itself?

How do I render a Media Library item image in a sublayout with Sitecore controls? With a normal content Item that has an "Image" field it's a piece of cake... just use the sc:Image or FieldRenderer control. But I have something like this: <asp:Repeater ID="rptImages" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <sc:FieldRenderer ????> </It...

Would developing in different CMS systems be beneficial?

At this point we are developing Sitecore websites and we are gaining experience every day. This means that we know how to adjust our approach to different types of customers and that we are able to build our applications quicker every project we do. Offcourse Sitecore is not the only W-CMS around and we have looked into other W-CMS's. W...

Edit in Place CMS Suggestions

Hi there, I need to find a [very] easy to use (for editors/authors) CMS. Preferably with edit-in-place editing similar to SiteCore. We don't need something as huge and powerful as SiteCore though. Users need the ability to add pages (using set templates that we in development have provided), they also need the ability to add and editin...

sitecore session configuration? how to set expiration?

Hi, any ideas how sitecore manages session expiration? we tried using <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name=".ASPXAUTH" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="1" /> </authentication> <sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="1"/> but doesn't seem to be doing anything, so we think sitecore has its own confi...

Get visiting company name in rendering from Sitecore OMS

We are using Sitecore OMS and I want to get the name of the visiting company (allthough I know that it is not allways accuarate) to show in a rendering. Anyone know if it is possible to question the Analytics API for this kind of information? ...

Sitecore Access rights for a custom role not behaving as i expected

I am having trouble with setting the secutrity rights for the Media Library of one of our customers. For the "Sitecore Client Authoring" role I have specifed that it has only read access for the entire Media Library. I needed to "unprotect" items to do this but the Access Viewer tells I have succeeded. Subsequently I wanted to specify ac...

Find sitecore items with a specific OMS profile?

I have to find all items in Sitecore (or rather, in the contents) that have a certain OMS (marketing suite) profile checked in the "Tracking" attribute. The Tracking attribute appears to be stored as XML and has a raw value like <tracking><profile name="Widdly Scuds"><!-- some irrelevant keys... --></profile></tracking> and I need to ...

What's are the benefits of using Web.config scheduled tasks over for example a Windows scheduled task

We are thinking of ways to get our scheduled tasks centralized as much as possible by dragging alot of tasks from website specific web.config files to one Windows schedules task. I can imagine that this has some negative consequences, but I want to list them so I can make myself a good explanation of what will work best. We have differen...

In Sitecore, when adding a field to a template, there's a checkbox called "shared". What's it for?

This seems like a stupid question, but the closest answer I could find in the sitecore docs I have (online and offline), is that shared fields are "shared across languages". I took that to mean a shared field's content would be the same across all translations of that item in sitecore. Is that correct? ...

Is it possible to add custom buttons to the top of the Sitecore Page Editor

Hi guys, I am trying to customize the Sitecore Page Editor at a website. Their home page displays a news viewer sublayout on it. The news items are not entered directrly below the home page but in an entirely different place in the Sitecore Content Tree. This means that the normal insert option of the Page Editor only displays template...

Sitecore SSM - Poll Module failing to install

During the installation of the Poll module (Sitecore 6.2 package: 1.1.0 OMS version), an error occurs preventing the completion of the installation. I downloaded the package from here: We are using: Sitecore.NET 6.2.0 (rev. 100507) I've tried repeating the install several times, restoring the database...

Sitecore - Creating an New Item on the OnSavingItem Event redirects the Shell to the newly created Item

Hi, Got an annoying issue. When a user edits a field on an item, we use a OnSavingItem event handler to create some new items elsewhere in the background as it were. Problem is the item the users edited the field of gets redirected to the item we invisible created in the background. We want it to stay where it is... Any ideas? thank...

Get Profile Key Score for Individual Page in Sitecore

Hello all, I have a question regarding Sitecore Analytics and user profile keys. I need to be able to get the score of a profile key for an individual page. For example, if I have a profile key called "traveler" that could have a value of 1-10 on a given page, I need to be able to get the value for that key that was assigned by the cont...

Sitecore multiple sites and link resolution

I have a Sitecore 6.2 installation with 2 sites, configured like so: <site name="eu-website" hostName="" virtualFolder="/" physicalFolder="/" rootPath="/sitecore/content/Europe" startItem="/Home" database="web" domain="extranet" allowDebug="true" cacheHtml="true" htmlCacheSize="10MB" registryCacheSize="0" viewStateCacheSize...