
Guesstimating database size.

I'm trying to foresee how big my database will be. Let's say I have only one table: CREATE TABLE user ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR(50), pass CHAR(40), url VARCHAR(1000), PRIMARY KEY(id)); Adding all up: 4 + 51 + 40 + 1001 = 1096 bytes in one record. If I have 1 million records: 1,000,000 x 1096 bytes = 1,...

Database size estimation tool

Is there a tool for estimating the size of a database? I am looking for such a tool, which I can input the estimated tables, row size, data types, indexes and other variables to give me a clue about the size of a yet-non-existing database. I know MS Sql Server Books Online has a good documentation on how to estimate but I don't want t...

Estimating zip size/creation time.

I need to create ZIP archives on demand, using either Python zipfile module or unix command line utilities. Resources to be zipped are often > 1GB and not necessarily compression-friendly. How do I efficiently estimate its creation time / size? ...

Unit for estimating hours in Scrum tool

Hello, I've been learning Scrum and trying a tool called Acunote for use with it. My question is about two fields I have there, for each task. They're "estimate" and "remaining". What unit should I use for those? Do I use Story Points? What about the remaining? For example I have a task that will take 10 units, let's say. I fill the re...

Scrum and Story Points - why ideal man-days not ideal man-hours?

I am used to thinking about time estimates in the way suggested by Joel Spolsky - that if a scheduled item takes more than 16 hours, it should be divided into smaller tasks. Now, I am implementing Scrum in my team together with Story Points based estimations. It seems to me that a good unit for a Story Point would be ideal man-hour, not ...

How do I estimate task size for an open source project?

The scale of an open source project is completely different from the projects I do at the office. Work is done in spare time, volunteer work that may not materialize, personal development resources, not corporate, etc. Clearly the chestnut "do the smallest thing that works" applies, but beyond that, are there any more formal methods to...

LOC estimate information

my manager asked to LOC estimate for the new project. I am new to LOC estimate. where could I get information on this? ...