
Starting with Android: Java or Python (SL4A)

I just ordered an Android smartphone and want to start playing around with creating my own applications. Now the question is which language to use, the native Java or Python using SL4A (former ASE). I tend to Python, as I know it much better than Java, but I'm wondering what I would be missing using a "second class" language on Android....

Need Some Guidance to Install Python into an Emulator

The install of Python keeps freezing at various points during its install under the Android emulator. Tried using all versions of Android OS and API levels. Using sl4a_r2.apk & python_for_android_r1.apk to no avail. ...

Writing python (or any other SL4A) in android

Can someone point me to a tutorial on using the android scripting enviornment? I've seen plenty of tutorials on how to write python code using the android API especially from But none of what I've seen gives a good example of how this all works inside android or how to call you...