
JavaScript data grid for millions of rows

I need to present millions of rows of data to users in a grid using JavaScript. I don't want the user thinking about viewing finite pieces of data (ie. pages); it should appear that all of the data are available. Rather than downloading all the data at once, small chunks are downloaded as the user comes to them (by scrolling, keying in ...

How to remove the header in SlickGrid ?

I know that there is no API to remove the header row, but I'm sure it can be done by modifying some CSS. Any ideas ? For example, here: CSS experts ! I need your help with this one. I'm interested in changing the CSS code of the package that removes the header row. CSS c...

How to add a class to a cell in SlickGrid

Does anyone has an idea how could I add "myClass" class to some cell (for example, row 5, column 3) in a SlickGrid ? ...

How to change cell's background color in SlickGrid ?

I was trying to change cell's background color with custom formatter like this: var myCellFormatter = function(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) { if ((row + cell) % 5 == 1) { return "<div style='background-color:green'>" + value + "</div>"; } else { return value; } }; but this does not color the wh...

Cell tooltip in SlickGrid

Some cells in my SlickGrid table have myClass class. I added a tooltip for them like this: $(".myClass").hover(// Mouse enters function(e) {...}, // Mouse leaves function() {...}); It works fine, but if I scroll the table to the bottom, and then scroll it back to the top, th...

variable rowheight in slickGrid

Hi, I would like to provide variable row height depending upon the content size. is it possible in Slickgrid? Can you point me towards any examples. Thanks, ...

How to specify the width of a slick grid in percentage?

Hi Is anybody knows how to set width of the grid in percentage? for example but in the page the width of grid is more than 2000 pixels. It does not get adjusted to page width. Any help...

How to add a row using javascript in SlickGrid

I am trying to add a row to a slick grid on my page using javascript. The way I am able to do it now is by using the following code. I was just wondering if there was a better way to do the same. .... //data is the array which was used to populate the SlickGrid data.push({name:'Finish scanning the slickgrid js', complete:false}); grid...

How to get the object which represents the selected row in a slickgrid

I have a webpage with a slickgrid which renders an array of objects on a grid. I want to do some dynamic stuff (a master-detail like setup) when the selected row changes. However to be able to do this, I would need the data of the selected row. I know that the grid.getCurrentCellNode() function will give me the dom element of the current...

internationalization jquery SlickGrid

It's possible to internationalize the standards formatters and editors on SlickGrid? I need it on English and Spanish languages. Thanks ...

SlickGrid - Background Loading of Pages

The lazy loading functionality is very cool in SlickGrid - but has anyone had any experience of the background loading of future pages? This would therefore mean that there is no buffering/loading of data when a user gets to a point of the grid where there is no data yet loaded - therefore speeding up the user experience. ...

How can I swap between multiple grids in slickgrid?

I would like to create multiple grids and switch between them using a dropdown. They occupy the same screen real estate but only one is visible at a time. I have tried to implement this using a CSS class with display none, then using the dropdown to call jquery's show method on the desired one. However, the grid's vertical scrollbar is m...

SlickGrid select editor

Hy, I want to make a dynamically populated html select for a select cell. I extract some information from a database which is different for every row item. The problem is that the editor loses the initial data and I don't konw how to keep some data for a specific cell. Has someone done this ? function StandardSelectCellEditor($containe...

Saving changes in SlickGrid

HI, I'm looking at SlickGrid and I can see example on how to edit the cell, however do I save these changes. I have yet to find an example that tells me how to do this. ...

Horizontal Scrolling Using SlickGrid

does slickgrid support horizontal scrolling? instead of a vertical list of items, use horizontal list of items like itunes coverflow or carousel. ...

SlickGrid best Way to Up/Down Row with cell button

hi, I search an issue to up/down row with buttons. I m trying to use 'grid.getCurrentCell' but when i click button currentCell is not yet define. How can i do this ? Thanks. (sorry for my poor english) ...

how do i load thousands of rows in my mvc project from database into slickgrid?

All the examples except for the Ajax example creates random values with javascript. What is the standard way to load from database? I don't necessarily need to load using Ajax but i don't think i want to generate each value and write it out in the html or is that how it has to be done? ...

Is there a way to abort a SlickGrid asynchronous render?

I have a search page whose results are rendered in a SlickGrid. It is an ajax search that executes onkeyup, so it's possible for a search to be performed, the Slick.Grid instance's render to be called, and have another result come back before the first asynchronous render completes. I'd like to cancel the initial render as soon as the se...

Why would the last column in my SlickGrid wrap out of view (or into next row) only in Firefox?

For some reason, the last column in some of my SlickGrids is wrapping out of view or into the next row. Playing with the widths of my container and columns, or removing all the other CSS from my site, doesn't fix it. It seems like because of padding and other such things the canvas element of the grid is 1 pixel too thin for Firefox's ...

Disable multi select?

Is there a way to disable multi select? ...