
How to send files using Smack ?

Hello, I am struggling with this code: FileTransferManager manager = new FileTransferManager(connection) OutgoingFileTransfer transfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer("gmailusername@gmail/Smack"); try { System.out.println("000"); transfer.sendFile(new File("D:/cow.wav"), "Moo !"); System.out.println("111"); while(!transfer.isD...

how to add new buddy in roster in xmpp.

Hi i am using smack.jar.I am able to connect with gtalk using it.Using Roster.getentries() i can get my buddy list.But how can i add new friends to my buddyList.Is there any API smack exposes to add new users?? Thanks ...

smack and asmack

What is the difference b\w smack and asmack.Why i am not able to use smack.jar on android whereas asmack works perfectly???when compared the source code it looks somewhat similar.where does the difference comes from?? ...