
How to Connect to IntraNet Web Service using the Windows Mobile Device emulator?

I have my Windows Mobile Application which connect to the Intranet Web Service. I am not able to access the internet/intranet resource using the emulator.. What i have tried is Installed Windows Mobile Center Opened the Emulator Given Cradle Ran the application Application Fails due to unavailability of the Web Service Please help me...

what is the most comfortable way to ssh and vim/latex/c++ on android?

I'm debating if i should get droid x. i'd like to use it for work, meaning latex and code in c++. I use vim. i know this is possible with connectbot. but possible doesn't mean i can substitute a laptop. are there people that use bluetooth keyboard with android device and are happy? I don't mind the small screen. just curious about your...

Using Android robot icon inside applications (copyright laws, terms of service)

I'm writing an application where I would like to use a few backgrounds that contain the Android "green robot, and perhaps even one that says Google underneath the robot. Is this against the terms of service or does it violate any copyright laws? If it is against any laws, will it matter if the app using the icon is free or charged? Ed...

Generally speaking, do I write code that saves memory or code to save processing time for simple objects for smartphone applications?

I’m not sure this is the best example, but here goes. Let’s say I want to draw an object to a canvas in an Android application. I need to do some math and call a method to return screen size to figure out where to draw it since my app should support multiple screens. I really only need to do this procedure once, as every time I want t...

How to activate the network in an Android application without leaving the application

Hi everybody ! I am developing an application that use the GPS and the geolocalion. So, during the application launch, I have to be sure that the user has activated the network and GPS. If he didn't tested 2 solutions : Ask the user to activate them himself (so the application quit, and the user has to reload it) Redirect the user in...