
Access denied running sn.exe on Windows 7

I'm trying to build / sign an assembly on a Windows 7 machine and I get the following exception: x:\> SN -q -Vr "x:\someassembly.dll" Failed to open registry key -- Access is denied. I've found the following thread that appears to be the same problem, and it mentions that he fixed it by changing permissions on a registry key, however ...

Auto-entering Password In Sn.exe

Hi, I need to create post build event to perform the following: sn -i MyKey.pfx MyKeyContainerName tlbimp $(ConfigurationName)\MyCom.tlb /out:$(ConfigurationName)\NETMyCom.dll /keycontainer:MyKeyContainerName sn -d MyKeyContainerName When the Visual Studio executes the 1st statement it requires a password and waits until the user spec...