
Error running new gwt app in hosted mode, OS X 10.6

I just created a new project using webAppCreator from GWT which worked fine. However, when I try to run ant hosted it fails with the following output: [java] On Mac OS X, ensure that you have Safari 3 installed. [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load required native library 'gwt-ll'. Detailed...

How to REINSTALL Java 6 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

OK, I am idiot and messed with my Java install trying to get Resin to work. Now, things are broken. I figured I could just reinstall the developer tools that came with my new Mac (brand new 13" MacBook Pro) and that would take care of it. Alas, I was wrong. Snow Leopard comes with Java 6 JRE and JDK but as far as I can tell YOU CANNOT ...

zend community server very slow on first request with OS X 10.6

I have installed Zend CE 4.0.5 for php 5.3 on my Mac Book Pro running Snow Leopard osx 10.6. I use this setup for my local development environment. When I haven't done a request in a while ( > 20 mins) or after a reboot, the first request takes quite some time to respond. Maybe 45 seconds. After that initial lagged request it acts as...

JOGL and Snow leopard

Hi everyone, I'm having some major issues with getting JOGL to work on snow leopard. I've installed all the necessary JOGL jars in /system/library/java/extensions I can get sample code to compile but when I attempt to run it it throws the error following error on trying to actually display the window. Exception in thread "main" jav...

How do I change the permissions that MySQL uses to create database directories and files?

I have a self-installed MySQL service running on my OS X Snow Leopard machine, compiled using the automated installer from The problem I'm having is that I want to sync my database files, from the "data" directory, using Dropbox. All directories and files created within that folder are being assigned to the user "_mysql" and ...

Snow Leopard + Grails 1.1.1 + Groovy 1.6.5

I have Grails 1.1.1 and Groovy 1.6.3 on Leopard. Will I have any issues with this combo: Snow Leopard + Grails 1.1.1 + Groovy 1.6.5? ...

Issue with NSWorkspace and NSNotificationCentre's block-based API in Snow Leopard

I've been having some trouble with Snow Leopard's new block-based API for observing notifications from NSWorkspace's NSNotificationCenter. If I register for notifications using the traditional selector-based method, then I am able to observe the desired notification. If I try using the new method that takes a block, then it doesn't work...

Is there a way to hook in to OSX sleep/wake events via Applescript?

The problem I am trying to solve is quite simple. When I open the lid of my MacBook I like to have the Dock on the left side of the screen, but when I get home and connect my MacBook to my Cinema display and set up dual monitors, I want the dock on the bottom of the Cinema, not on the left side of the MacBook. I don’t want to have to g...

Why does an applescript receive an event multiple times from iChat?

While writing an auto-relogin tool for iChat, I came across an interesting issue. Given the following script: using terms from application "iChat" on logout finished for this_service delay 1 display dialog (connection status of this_service as string) & ":" & name of this_service as string if status of this_s...

How to properly compile C++ UDFs on Snow Leopard for MySQL

I am trying to install a Levenshtein UDF for MySQL but I am having a ton of problems, I think mainly because of the lack of documentation for Macs. The specific UDF I am using is this one: and is done in C++. So far, I have gotten successful compilation using: g++ -Wall -bundle -...

How to get 64-bit binaries from GHC for Snow Leopard?

Hey guys, I've recently upgraded my OS to Snow Leopard, which broke my GHC. I was able to fix it on one machine by adding flags for 32-bit compiles in /usr/bin/ghc (something like -optl -m32 -opta -m32 -optc -m32, gathered from here). Now I can't get it to produce 64-bit binaries for my other machine, which supports 64-bits. The 32-b...

octave + gnuplot + os x 10.6 : nothing happens

On my first-gen Macbook Pro, with OS X 10.6.1, I can launch gnuplot and get a plot, after I set the terminal to x11, with a command like plot [-6:6] sin(x). But when I launch octave, and try a plot command, like plot([2 3],[4 5]) or plot([-6:0.01:6],cos([-6:0.01:6])) I get no error messages and no plot. Just another octave prompt. I...

$PATH error on snow leopard, or RoR install issue?? bad interpreter

I'm on Snow Leopard and installed ruby, rubygems and rails the hivelogic way. When I change to my new jekyll project (~/Documents/blog/jekyll), and run [jekyll]$jekyll --server-bash I get: [jekyll]$jekyll --server-bash: /usr/bin/jekyll: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such fil...

libtiff.3.dylib: unknown required load command 0x80000022

Has anyone found a fix for this? I read that it has something to do with new dylib format in Snow Leopard... (This is the lib I get back from MacPorts.) Thanks, rui ...

Help with syncdb

Hello there, I am a newbie learning Python/Django... Am using the following tutorial located at: Created a mysite database in MySQL 5 running on Snow Leopard. Edited the file to look like this: DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql' DATABASE_NAME = 'mysite' DATABASE_USER = 'root' ...

How to create a NSMatrix of NSImageCell in Interface Builder in 10.6

How can I create a matrix (NSMatrix object) of NSImageCell cells (usually located in an NSImageView) in Interface Builder 3.2.1 (i.e. the one made for Snow Leopard?) In the "old days", you would drag an NSImageView, and then option-drag the corner of the control. It seemed to have stopped working in 3.2.1... Is there another way? Am I d...

Creating an NSMatrix programmatically, Snow Leopard

I'm trying to create an NSMatrix of an NSImageCell prototype programmatically (if you can help me doing it via Interface Builder, be my guest at answering me here) I created a new, empty project. In it, a normal object (subclassing NSObject) has this code (and only this code): - (void) awakeFromNib { NSRect f = view.bounds; NSM...

Can't build a new project with xcode on my MacPro

Hi every1! I've installed on my MacPro (intel) Xcode 3.2.1 (iPhone SDK 3.1.2) and Snow Leopard I made a new project (called Untitled) for iPhone OS, when I try to build, it returns an error: *file not found: */Users/user/Documents/Untitled/build/ */Users/us...

utf8 with Mysql-5.0.88, ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.2 and snow leopard?

I'm just starting with the depot application in the Pragmatic Programmer's Rails book. When I try doing a rake db:create RAILS_ENV-'development' after creating a rails application, I get the following error: Couldn't create database for {"encoding"=>"utf8", "username"=>"root", "adapter"=>"mysql", "database"=>"depot_development", "pool"=...

Problem with Ant's AnsiColorLogger in Snow Leopard

I have Ant configured to use the AnsiColorLogger. In Mac OS 10.5, everything was fine. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, the AnsiColorLoggger no longer works. I see the Ant output (uncolorized) for a second then it just disappears. Has anyone else gotten this working in Snow Leopard? Other ANSI colors are working fine in