
How to serialize in a class a Soap Fault for a website?

I hope this question is not as cryptic as the other ones I do. I have two components: Web site that recieves Soap Envelopes and Soap Faults WinServices that sends Soap Envelopes. Ok, so the winservices sends SoapEnvelopes and if an error occurs it returns the Soap Envelope with a Soap Fault Inside. Is there a way to serialize the Soa...

WCF EntLib Validation - change default SOAP Fault Reason text

I'm using the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block for my WCF service. All is fine, and .Net consumers can catch the FaultException<ValidationFault> exception to get a collection of human-readable business errors. However, it doesn't look quite as great for non-.Net consumers, especially those that are going to be looking at t...

WCF Message.IsFault

I am trying to write a test and need to create a Message object with the IsFault property set to true. However, this property only has a getter. Does anyone know the best way to create a message where this property would be set to true? Thanks ...

WCF UserName authentication and fault contracts

I have a WCF service configured to use custom UserName validation via the overriden Validate() method of the System.IdentityModel.Selectors.UserNamePasswordValidator class. All methods of the contract have been decorated with the FaultContractAttribute to specify a custom SOAP fault as being returnable. When throwing FaultException<T>,...

Should constructors for WCF Services use faults for error handling?

I have a wcf service. The service itself (class that inherits the ServiceContract) has a constructor that sometimes throws exceptions. I want to present the user a message if the service fails. Should I use faults like I would for a service method? ...

SOAP WSE .Net issue with Action header

We have a SOAP Web Service we wrote that accepts work fine testing without a WSE policy set on the class using the Policy Attribute on the class that implements the WS "<Policy("ServicePolicy")> _" once we put the policy in place and the WS is posted to, the service returns back a SoapFault saying (without ever getting into our code, ...

Catching webservice exception with CXF: NoClassDefFoundError: SOAPFaultBuilder

Hey all, I've been using Apache CXF wsdl2java generated code to call methods from a webservice for some time now, which so far has been working fine.. The problem I'm having is that when the webservice (implemented just down the hall from me) legitimately throws a soap exception, CXF comes up with the following Error message: Could ...

Apache Axis WSDL2Java error - Missing <soap:fault> element

We are integrating a third party SOAP web services in our application. The WSDL is used with SOAPUI tool, where sample requests and responses worked fine. When we try to integrate with apache Axis 1.3, where we tried WSDL2JAVA with the WSDL. We received the following error ERROR: Missing element inFault "serviceFa...

Check in C# whether php soap returned soapFault

Hello. I have problem with checking SoapFault response from writen in PHP Soap webservice. Responce looks like this (default "throw new SoapFault("SOAP:CLIENT", "Bad login");" <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""&gt; <SOAP-ENV:Body> <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode>SOAP:CLIENT</faultcode> ...

ASP.Net Web Service - What is the correct way to add a detail element to a SOAP fault response that works for both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2?

ASP.Net 2.0 Web Services automatically create both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 bindings. Our web service, however, has SOAP extensions and custom exception handling that make the assumption that only the SOAP 1.1 binding is used (for example, the SOAP extension uses the HTTP SOAPAction header to control behavior). I am looking to correct the ...

php try catch error reporting

I have an application which relies on a soap server to produce content. Additionally authentication to the site is based on a seperate LDAP server. Obviously if either of these are down or not responding the site is down. I am trying to lay out a design such that I can have error reporting for site admins and also give a nice messag...

How to create a WCF MessageFault

I see two ways to create a MessageFault: FaultException fe = new FaultException("error"); MessageFault f = fe.CreateMessageFault(); Or FaultCode fc = new FaultCode("error"); MessageFault f = MessageFault.CreateFault(fc, "error"); What's the difference b/w two? Is anyone preferred? ...

PHP SOAP faultcode: soap:Server

Googled everywhere with no luck, could anyone tell me what's going on here? PHP version 5.2.10 trying to make a SOAP request and get this back. SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] The application encountered an unhandled system exception. Fault Code: faultcode: soap:Server ...

PHP SOAP fault problems parsing the soapFault->detail.

I am trying to write some error handling for a SOAP call and the detail member of the SOAP fault is not being completely parsed. I cannot publish the WSDL as it is a private WSDL and requires authentication. Here is the SOAP fault XML and a print_r of the resulting fault object. Note that the apiFault is included in the Fault object, bu...

Android 2.1 and Ksoap2-Android-assembly-2.4 -- SoapFault Error

I am very new to Android and ksoap2 development. I have been searching on the forums for an answer to my error and still have not found a fix. Hopefully someone will be able to figure how to fix the error. I am calling a Webservice with 10 parameters in my sample android app using the Ksoap2-Android-assembly-2.4 jar library. The erro...

WCF FaultException Without Sending StackTrace

I have some WCF services with predefined FaultContract attributes. When the FaultException<TDetail> exceptions are thrown, they're sending StackTrace, Source and other potentially unsave information. Is it possible to return only: Detail (from the generic TDetail) FaultMessage FaultCode (and possibly) FaultReason ...