
How to separate data validation from my simple domain objects (POCOs)?

This question is language agnostic but I am a C# guy so I use the term POCO to mean an object that only preforms data storage, usually using getter and setter fields. I just reworked my Domain Model to be super-duper POCO and am left with a couple of concerns regarding how to ensure that the property values make sense witin the domain. ...

How is ENFORCED the separation of concerns in ASP.NET MVC ?

I have been studying, playing with and working with ASP.NET MVC since Preview 1 in 2007 (december). I have been a fan of it since 2008 and I support it all the way. However I keep hearing and reading "ASP.NET MVC enforces a strict separation of concerns", including reading it in Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 by Rob Conery, Scott Hanselma...

What is a good way to show the relationship between loosely coupled classes and interfaces?

I have introduced the SOLID principles to my team and they understand and are excited about using the principles. S - SRP - Single Responsibility Principle O - OCP - Open/Closed Principle L - LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle I - ISP - Interface Segregation Principle D - DIP - Dependency Inversion Principle I have given them a coup...

Dynamic height header in SEO optimized SOC (Source Ordered Content) layout using only CSS, no Javascript?

Hey, I want do do a layout that is search engine and speed-browser friendly with content first in source code. Usually this looks like this: <body> <div id="content" style="margin-top: 200px;"> i am content, i go first </div> <div id="head" style="height: 200px; position: absolute;"> i am an header that is depre...