
High-Level Pattern for Dynamic Status Progression?

Have you ever encountered a situaton like this, and if so, how did you solve it? We have a record which goes through multiple stages of progression, such as: submission -> preliminary evaluation -> final review -> active The order of progression for these main status types is guaranteed. However, there are factors which complicate t...

How RUP describes software architecture? What is the relation between RUP and software architecture?

hi I'm looking for articles or documents which describes software architecture from RUP point of view. Do you know any document ? ...

Should CRUD operation go always thru a BO ?

I have an architecture wich goes like this Repository -> BO -> WCF -> Web and vica verse Repository <- BO <- WCF <- Web My question is, if I have just simple CRUD operation like just delete a record by its Id, would it be acceptable to skip the BO and go straight to the repository ? Repository <- WCF <- Web ...

Empty data problem - data layer or DAL?

I designing the new App now and giving the following question a lot of thought. I consume a lot of data from the warehouse, and the entities have a lot of dictionary based values (currency, country, tax-whatever data) - dimensions. I cannot be assured though that there won't be nulls. So I am thinking: create an empty value in each of ...

Why is IoC / DI not common in Python?

In Java IoC / DI is a very common practice which is extensively used in web applications, nearly all available frameworks and Java EE. On the other hand, there are also lots of big Python web applications, but beside of Zope (which I've heard should be really horrible to code) IoC doesn't seem to be very common in the Python world. (Plea...

How to design a distributed application using a Message Broker and a Database?

I would like to implement an distributed Point-Of-Sale system, somewhat like the one described in Point of sale app architecture advice. It is a distributed system with these charachteristics: The clients are mission critical, they should work even if the network connection or the server fails, but just for a few days or so. The clien...

Platform Framework and Middle-ware

I really want to fix the meanings of this terms.This is what I know about them: Platform: is an environment that allows an application to run and it is usually composite by hardware and software e.g. your machine with your OS installed on it. However some software stack are also called as platform like Java Platform. Framework: is desi...

Question about domain models & their visibility...

I was involved in an interesting debate about the visibility of domain models & was wondering if people here have any good guidance. Per my understanding of MDA, we need not expose the domain model throughout the application layers & tiers The reason being that any change to the domain model has an impact in the overall application The...

What do I need to know before working on an IM application?

I'm looking into building an IM-type application using Java stack (for the server at least). I'd be interested to see any information/advice on how applications like Skype/AIM/MSN work, as well as know any technologies/APIs that might be relevant. Without giving away the idea itself, it's perhaps more akin to Google Wave than Skype, but ...

Conventions for modelling c programs.

I'm working with a source base written almost entirely in straight-c (nginx). It does, however, make use of rich high level programming techniques such as compile-time metaprogramming, and OOP - including run-time dispatch. I want to draw ER diagrams, UML class diagrams and UML sequence diagrams. However to have a clean mapping between ...

Are there good sources on Quantitative Architecture?

Hi, I've been using a basic way of scoring of bugs. I basically rate their severity from 1 to 4 (obviously very subjective) and "tag" structures in my teams programs (classes, methods within a class, etc.). At that point, I create a basic graph of the "hot" areas of an application. The hot areas are where bugs are showing up the most...

What would you suggest for a DAL for isolation between the BL and a middleware stack?

Here's the situation: I have a middleware stack (third party, no sources) that provides services to a database using an HTTP XMLRPC server. The middleware provides several methods to query data and also a way to pass in a SQL string to the database and return the results if applicable. This is fine for simple scenarios but highly ineff...

Is it better to track events in separate models or one event model?

I realize this question is general, but I think people with a lot of experience in event tracking will have good insight. I have a website where I want to track file downloads by user. Two methods come to mind: 1) Create a model called AssetDownload and populate that with the data. 2) Create a model called Event or Activity and have th...

Examples of software architecture diagram and tools

Whenever i talk of software architecture diagram, people would say that go for UML 2.0/2.2 etc. But, i want to make software architecture diagrams for the end user to understand the model or maybe beginners who want to get started. What would be some good examples of such diagrams and the software tools to design them? ...

How to solve code duplication in the following PostgreSQL query?

I have a table Inputs and a derived table Parameters CREATE TABLE Configurables ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE TABLE Inputs ( configurable integer REFERENCES Configurables( id ), name text, time timestamp, PRIMARY KEY( configurable, name, time ) ); CREATE TABLE Parameters ( configurable integer, name text, time time...

How to write a complete web application?

These questions were asked me in a technical interview: If we deploy an application on multiple server (like database server, web server) then, each request should be redirected to proper server, then how you will handle it in your code? How security pinholes will be handled in an application? What things should be considered while wri...

Question about the responsibility of a ViewModel.

I am building a tool which goal is to download a file based on a few parameters. First step is to set (or retrieve) those parameters. The different parameters sets are retrieved (let's say via configuration files) by a FileDownloadsManager : it knows exactly which parameters to use in order to download the right file. those parameters...

Is C++ and .NET used together in Domains like Banking , Health Care and Telecom

This may seem relevant but it has some significance for me,may be few others like me. I just want to know ,How Important is it to Learn C++ , COM and ATL while you are a .NET programmer? I love programming with .NET and C# .Visual Studio just has it's own charm of intellisence ,Color Coding and other pretty features , which make us add...

Which to design first? software GUI or architecture

'Having plans for a software product sometime in the future, I would like to know the best way to design a software product. Architecture (i.e. components and relations between components) first or the GUI? Thanks. ...

How do you start a software architecture discussion?

Hello, I work for an organization that is pretty much a start-up within a large corporation. The team has several database engineers, and a few software engineers (in the data mining field). We're growing at a fast rate, which puts the need to have an overall architecture strategy or technology roadmap (or compass) for the next few year...