
Java has a 39G core dump...

I'm running a weblogic server on solarix x86 - 64bit with the command line: -Xrs -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -da ... so the max heap size should be 4G, however after a night, it crashed and generated a 39G core: -bash-3.00$ ls -l core -rw------- 1 user group 39017429722 Sep 27 19:47 core I used pmap to dump the c...

Compile apache with various modules

At work we have several Solaris servers. Each server runs apache which we compiled a few years ago. It's been fine so far. Now we want to build one apache, using the latest version, and have it include LDAP authentication modules (for AD integration), NTML authentication and mod_perl. I can't find a guide for building apache like this ...

Installing jdk1.6 on opensolaris

Hi, I installed opensolaris I saw that it has /usr/jdk/jdk1.6 however it had no bin/javac only java my default java -version is jdk1.6 just after opensolaris installation however as I have no javac I downloaded jdk1.6 for solaris and after executing the i did cd to the folder of jdk and then inside bin directory I ran javac ...

Can I execute a multiline command in Perl's backticks?

In Unix, I have a process that I want to run using nohup. However this process will at some point wait at a prompt where I have to enter yes or no for it to continue. So far, in Unix I have been doing the following nohup myprocess <<EOF y EOF So I start the process 'myprocess' using nohup and pipe in a file with 'y' then close the fil...

Print STDOUT in the middle of 2 Pipes in Solaris(bash) I have the same issue. This command: ./ > ../log/scriptlog.log requires the output of a command go to std out. but inside the script command | mailx -s "Subject" [email protected] what I would like to do is something like : command | tee > /dev/stdout | mailx -s "Subjec...

No "walkers" in mdb (Solaris modular debugger)

Every now and then I use the mdb debugger to examine core dumps on Solaris. One nice article that I looked at to get up to speed on the possibilities with mdb is where the author performs a step-by-step examination of a SIGSEGV crash. In the article the author uses "walk...

socket programing using operating system "solaris 10" and framework sun studio

any one help me that in this matter. my program can not run. code to bind the socket which i write is: char sendbuf[5]={"\0"}; unsigned int iMsgCode=1; unsigned int iServiceID=3; short int iAliveStatus=1; memcpy(sendbuf,&iMsgCode,2); memcpy(sendbuf+2,&iServiceID,2); memcpy(sendbuf+4,&iAliveStatus,1); char broadcast = '1'; int numbyte...

Debugging the solaris 10 sparc device drivers with gdb

How can we debug Solaris 10 (Sparc) device drivers like we debug user processes using gdb? ...

64 bit vs 32 bit C code on Solaris 10

On my Solaris 10 update 9 system the following command yields: #isainfo -b 64 But if I create the following program in C with limits.h is included I get: #include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h> int main(void) { printf("Maximum integer value on this system is = %d\n", INT_MAX); } gcc on64.c -o on64 ./on64 Maximum integer va...

Linking Error in Sun Studio 10 under Solaris

I wrote a test program like this: #include <sys/socket.h> int main( void ) { int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); return 0; } And tried to compile it: $ /tool/sunstudio/bin/cc test.c Undefined first referenced symbol in file socket test.o l...

How to set automatic power-on solaris 10 ILOM SP firmware

I have set the below configuration but it doesn't work when the power outage happens; -> set /SP/policy HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON=enabled Set 'HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON' to 'enabled' -> set /SP/policy HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE=enabled Set 'HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE' to 'enabled' In addition, above two lines don't work together. Whenever we set one of them...

Solaris ufs forcedirectio

Hello! I have oracle database on the Solaris 9 box Oracle datafiles stored on the ufs filesystem mounted with forcedirectio . So I'm using now only Oracle Buffer Cache question: is it good idea to remove forcedirectio option to improve IO performance? ...

POSIX Threads behaviour different between HP-UX and Solaris 10

Hello all! I'm migrating a multi threaded application from HP-UX to Solaris and so far, everything is OK except for one thing! The application has a thread that is handling the signals and, when some of them are received, it runs some cleaning (logging, kill child processes and so on). I've reduced the code as much as it was possible t...

ioctl calls from 32 bit application to 64 bit driver

I have to make a ioctl call to the 64 bit driver code from a 32 bit application. I have send a structure as an argument to ioctl call. I see lot of alignment and padding issues because of difference in architecture of user and driver code. Is there any way to solve this structure and padding created due to difference in architecture of u...

file name for the open character special device file in driver code

In solaris when open call to char special device file is made in user space, the driver's open call is called with only two parameters. 1. major and minor number and 2. flag that contains read/write etc.. Is there any way to the get the name of the opened device file in driver's open call. or Is there any way to get the name of the devic...

GetThreadTimes on Solaris 10 x86 C++

I want a similar function similar to the VC++ GetThreadTimes function to work on solaris. I need a monitoring tool to monitor thread and monitor execution time from another thread. Is there a direct way of doing this? I have found that getrusage() can do this only to get the value of times() for the calling thread. But I what I want to...

Does prstat SIZE value in Solaris increase indicate memory leak?

In my program, I create 100 threads, then wait for all of them to join and then repeat this operation again. In each of the threads, I create some memory and free it. I am fairly sure, all the memory which I am creating in those threads are getting freed. But, the SIZE output and RSS output of prstat are continously increasing. They ar...