
posting nutch data into a BASIC auth secured Solr instance

Hi. I've secured a solr instance using BASIC auth, kind of how it is shown here: Now i'm trying to update my batch processes to push data into the authenticated instance. The ones using "curl" are easy, but i also have a Nutch crawl that uses the "solrindex" command to...

Log too big in Solrj

Hi, I’m developing a Java project where I just included Solrj. I have noticed that the log file increases tremendously in size due to all the Sorlj messages. Is there any way to disable this option? Thanks very much in advance ...

Deleting index from Solr using solrj as a client

Hello, I am using solrj as client for indexing documents on the solr server. I am having problem while deleting the indexes by 'id' from the solr server. I am using following code to delete the indexes: server.deleteById("id:20"); server.commit(true,true); After this when i again search for the documents, the search result contains t...

Handling Solr read and write timeout exception

Hello, I am new to solr. I have developed a an website which uses solr for indexing. I want to handle the timeouts that can occur during solr read and write index.Please guide me on how can i handle these exceptions. I am using solrj as solr client and my website and solr server are running on the tomcat. Thnak you! ...

Situations to prefer Apache Lucene over Solr?

There are several advantages to use Solr 1.4 (out-of-the-box facetting search, grouping, replication, http administration vs. luke, ...). Even if I embed a search-functionality in my Java application I could use SolrJ to avoid the HTTP trade-off when using Solr. Is SolrJ recommended at all? So, when would you recommend to use "pure-Luc...

When using SolrJ can I point it at a request handler?

I have created a request handler in Solr that uses dismax and limits my query to certain fields and adds boosts for relevancy on the "title" field. This all works fine when I go directly to Solr using an http request in a browser. However my question is whether I can use the request handler if I am accessing Solr using SolrJ? It would ...

Programmatically load data into solr using solrj and java

How can I load data from an xml file into solr using the solrj API? ...

SOLR - how to remove logically deleted documents?

I am implementing SOLR for a free text search for a project where the records available to be searched will need to be added and deleted on a large scale every day. Because of the scale I need to make sure that the size of the index is appropriate. On my test installation of SOLR, I index a set of 10 documents. Then I make a change in ...

Hadling inf Solr

Hi, I am using apache-solr-1.4 server and solrj as my solr client for indexing my documents. I am getting the when i index the documents. This exception is not generated eachtime i try to index the documents.They are generated in some time interval and the solr/data/index dir contains lu...

EmbeddedSolrServer in SolrJ 1.4

I am using SolrJ 1.4, I am having trouble figuring out in what jar file the EmbeddedSolrServer lives. The documentation says that its namespace is org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded but I don't see this namespace among the libraries that make up SolrJ 1.4, according to the SolrJ Wiki. I am also missing the CoreContainer class that is...

SolrJ Thread Safety

I am using CommonsHttpSolrServer in a Web Application. Is it safe to reuse the CommonsHttpSolrServer over multiple requests or should I instantiate a new object for each request? Could not find the answer in the API docs. ...

Solr with JQuery to build autocomplete

Hi - I have set up solr and it works. I have tested it by indexing my MySQL db and running queries on it, trying facets and trying the term suggest component (which I wish to use with autocomplete). I have recently walked through the reuters tutorial here and it worked on my local machine. Now my solr instance is on: "http://[someurl]:...

How do I get a Solr ResourceLoader from a SolrServer?

Hi, My application uses solrj. I have a reference to a SolrServer object. The SolrServer object was created by instantiating a new CommonsHttpSolrServer object with the URL to my Solr server as the constructor argument. I now need a reference to a class called a ResourceLoader. I can't figure out how to get it. I know that a SolrCore o...

How to get Lucene explanation for a SolrDocument with Solrj?

I'm searching an Solr index with SolrJ and trying to get the Lucene explanation for logging it for further use. The code goes like this: SolrServer server = new CommonsHttpSolrServer("solr_url"); SolrQuery solrquery = new SolrQuery(); solrquery.set("fl", "score, id"); // id is a String field solrquery.set("rows", "1000"...

conflicts between slf4j-log4j13 and slf4j-log4j12

I have slf4j 1.6.1 with Log4j 1.2.16 included in my maven depedencies. It used to work fine in previous projects. However, recently I started a new project by reusing some of the previous code base, and then I started to have some weird issues. <dependency> <groupId>log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j</artifactId> <version>1.2.16</...

Problem with indexing using StreamingUpdateSolrServer in SOLRJ

I just had a miserable failure with SOLRJ. Somehow StreamingUpdateSolrServer failed on some of the items that are being indexed, but others succeeded. It simply throws out an Exception with "Bad Request" message, without any further explanation or stack trace. I suspect that this is due to malformed data, but after double checking, I'm a...

create new core directories in SOLR on the fly!

i am using solr 1.4.1 for building a distributed search engine, but i dont want to use only one index file - i want to create new core "index"-directories on the fly in my java code. i found following rest api to create new cores using an EXISTING core directory ( http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/...