
Sound of a rolling ball

I'm looking for the most realistic way of playing sound of a rolling ball. Currently I'm using a Wav sample that I play over and over as long as the ball is moving - which just doesn't feel right. I've been thinking about completely synthesizing the sound, which I know very little about (almost nothing), I'd be grateful for any tutorial...

Synthesizing a realistic bounce sound for maze tilt marble game

In considering the design of marble-in-maze games where you tilt the table to get the ball to the end of the maze without going down one of the holes, I wonder whether anyone here has considered the modelling of the sound of the ball hitting the walls... The ball doesn't always make the same sound. This other question covers the rollin...

What's a simple way to output homebrewed synthesized sound on Unix?

I want to do some sound synthesis on Mac OS X (and ideally other Unix-like OS) using ANSI C. This is for learning purposes rather than "I need a solution, any solution, quick!" Say I have an 8-bit buffer in my C program that I update 22050 times a second. How can I get my speakers to output that as a waveform? ...