Has anybody found a good solution for lazily-evaluated lists in Perl? I've tried a number of ways to turn something like
for my $item ( map { ... } @list ) {
into a lazy evaluation--by tie-ing @list, for example. I'm trying to avoid breaking down and writing a source filter to do it, because they mess with your ability to debug t...
I understand that Smart::Comments should not be used in production code, since it is a source filter.
However, I have been using Smart::Comments in my development code and then commenting out the "use" line before sending the code to production.
Given that I'm going to use it in my development code, what I should specifically be conce...
It is "common knowledge" that source filters are bad and should not be used in production code.
When answering a a similar, but more specific question I couldn't find any good references that explain clearly why filters are bad and when they can be safely used. I think now is time to create one.
Why are source filters bad?
When is it...