I have a customer who is being dogged pretty hard by SOX auditors regarding the deployment practices of our ASP.NET applications. Care is taken to be sure to use appropriate file- and folder-level security and authorization. Only those few with deployment privileges can copy an up to the product server (typically done using secure FTP).
Hello, can anyone help me with linking libsox to my program in Windows? I have made a static library libsox.lib according to directions in INSTALL file in sox 14.2.0 source code version. Is there any way to build a dynamic library? I think it should be easier way...
When I run sox directly from the command line as ;
sox -r 8000 -c 1 <wavfilename> <mp3filename>
I get the following error message:
sox: Unknown output file format for
'747a.mp3': File type 'mp3' is not
My machine is running the CentOS operating system.
I'm trying to stream sound from my soundcard using sox's default audio device and dump it as a raw file. Unfortunately no sound is being detected.
Sox always use this as input and I think it's for linux.(correct me if i'm wrong but it doesn't really emit any sound in windows)
'/dev/dsp' (ossdsp)
Our dev team has 4 environments:
Dev, Test, QA and Production and changes progress in that order across the environments.
Our DBA has given "SOX" as the reason for denying team leads, developers and testers update READ ONLY access to database objects on the Test, QA, and Production environments. As a result, we cannot verify that deploy...
I'm using sox to resample audio before introducing it to our speech detection system, but I've hit a snag with version 14.3 of sox adding automatic dithering by default to the resampling operation, which we don't want.
This wouldn't be a problem if we knew that we were always using sox 14.3, as we could just use the new -D flag to disa...
I am using SoX to create slow but pitch corrected audio files. The resulting files sound pretty good, but often have a very hard "S" sound that I would like to filter out. Many desktop programs include a "De-Essing" filter that works well, but I would like to have a filter that works on the server side.
What SoX filter and parameters ...
I am trying to sox library into my project and installed library using ./configure, make and make install and linked to the libsox.dylib into my project. I am not getting compiler error but getting run time error .
Now i am getting following error,
[Session started at 2010-03-03 17:33:44 +0530.]
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/l...
I am using ubuntu 8.10. I wanted to know what I need to do to get SOX to work on MP4 files.
Hi All,
How to build the libsox.la library and integrate into xCode for editing audio in iPhone ?
Hi there,
I am currently trying to get SoX working through PHP. It all works so far, but I don't get the output back. I've already read that one might route stderr also to the output with "2>&1" .. the problem is, this doesn't seem to work on windows machines.
any other ideas?
code is as follows:
exec($path2sox . '/sox ' . $cmd . ' 2...
Hi, I'm trying to use libsox into another program of mine, but I can't seem to compile libsox with MinGW in C++ or find any places with working binaries. I downloaded the source from the official site http://sox.sourceforge.net/ but I don't know which files to include in the project to compile it. I can't compile it with all the files in...
Building a python application that converts raw audio files into wave using sox on a linux system. I want it to be able to generate an image (PNG or Jpeg) of the audio waveform pattern but I am unable to find a command line tool or python package that will do this. Not being an experience Python programmer my options are limited.
There ...
I am recording audio on the iPhone to a CAF file with kAudioFormatiLBC, the recording works fine.
I want to be able to take a sample and also get it to convert to other formats after I have uploaded it to by ruby on rails webservice.
I am trying to use sox but get:
sox in.caf out.mp3
sox FAIL formats: can't open input file `in....
While file to file effect chains are working fine, I'm having difficulty using the default audio device when compiling SoX from source. For example, if I run the example3 included in the source code (plays a sound file), I get the error
FAIL formats: no handler for given file type `alsa'
Assertion failed: out= sox_open_write("default",...
In libsox, I know the null output can be opened like so:
assert(out_r= sox_open_write("", &in_r->signal, NULL, "null", NULL, NULL));
But I'm not sure how to do this with the input (using sox_open_read). I'm using this to generate a sine wave using synth so right now, I have a workaround where I open a silent wave file, but this is far...
I compiled libmad for sox. When I try to read an mp3 I get this message:
sox FAIL util: Unable to load MAD decoder library (libmad) function "mad_stream_buffer".
Did I compile the project incorrectly?
How can I tell if my program falls under the rules of Sarbanes Oxley? Is there a website or links someone can give me?
I want to get sound level, so I can display it in my SDL application (the platform is Linux) when recording sound. How can I do that? I use FMOD API in my app, but for recording, I'm using SoX (forking and using exec() to set it up - probably this could be done better but I don't know how :( ). Should I use some function of SoX, FMOD API...
Hi I am am wanting to send many different mp3's like an array to SOX for example
sox 1.mp3 2.mp3 N.mp3 out.mp3
sox num1.mp3 num2.mp3 numN.mp3 out2.mp3
sox n1.mp3 n2.mp3 nN.mp3 out3.mp3
How could I send all those at one time?Or Can I not do that?