
What "exec sp_reset_connection" shown in Sql Profiler means?

Trying to understand what Sql Profiler means by emitting "sp_reset_connection". I have the following, "exec sp_reset_connection" line followed by BatchStarting and Completed, RPC:Completed exec sp_reset_connection SQL:BatchStarting SELECT [c].[TestID] AS [TestID], [c].[Description] AS [Description] FROM [dbo].[Test] AS [c] SQL:...

Why so many sp_resetconnections for C# connection pooling?

We have a web service coded in C# that makes many calls to MS SQL Server 2005 database. The code uses Using blocks combined with C#'s connection pooling. During a SQL trace, we saw many, many calls to "sp_resetconnection". Most of these are short < 0.5 sec, however sometimes we get calls lasting as much as 9 seconds. From what I've r...

Can I stop sp_reset_connection being called to improve performance?

My profiler trace shows that exec sp_reset_connection is being called between every sql batch or procedure call. There are reasons for it, but can I prevent it from being called, if I'm confident that it's unnecessary, to improve performance? UPDATE: The reason I imagine this could improve performance is twofold: SQL Server doesn't n...