
How to adjust speaker volume from Java program ?

I'm running Win Vista, at the lower right side of the window there is a speaker icon next to the clock, I can click on it and adjust the volume, I wonder if there is a way in my Java program to do this automatically. For instance when my Java program starts, it turns the volume to 80, and when the program exits, it changes the volume bac...

Audio Volume in Apple's speakHere example code.

Hi, I am trying to increase the volume of my Audio Output using the speakHere example from Apple. The volume is already set to max with : // set the volume of the queue XThrowIfError (AudioQueueSetParameter(mQueue, kAudioQueueParam_Volume, 1.0), "set queue volume"); However, the output is directed to the ear-piece speaker, which is...

Echo problem with speakers in flash/red5 application for two-way video conferencing

I just tried the below code, and it works fine to reduce the echo on head phones. But the problem of echo remains as it is in case of speakers. public var intCountMilliSec:int = 0; public var intLastActivityLevel:int = 0; public var intLastLowestActivityLevel:int = 100;//07-Dec-09 private function CancelEcho(e:TimerEvent):void...

iPhone, is it possible to play a sound from the speakers while in a call?

I would like to know from some iphone-Audio expert if there is a way to let a sound play through the line in of the microphone, or at least to play from the speaker (not the receiver) during a call. I've tried different combinations of AVAudioSessionCategory with kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideAudioRoute, but I've noticed that when the i...

Access to speaker devices in adobe flex

Hi, by default adobe Sound mixer sends eveything to the default speaker device. I have 3 speaker devices and would like to configure where to direct the sound. Similar thing that we can do right now with microphone is Microphone.getDevice(name) where i have a freedom of choosing my microphone device. Similarly i want the freedom to sel...

AVAudioPlayer via Speakers

I got the following code: - (id)init { if (self = [super init]) { UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback; AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof(sessionCategory), &sessionCategory); UInt32 audioRouteOverride = kAudioSessionOverrideAudioRoute_Speaker; ...

Samsung i7500 Galaxy - speakers, calling problem after listening music

I've been listening music on my Samsung i7500 Galaxy with headset plugged to the device. After listening I've plugged headset out and now while I call to somebody I see there is a call on the device screen, but either me, either person whom I am calling to, doesn't hear the other person. While I plug headset again I can hear everything (...

How to get AVAudioPlayer output to Speaker and verify if i am right on iphone simulator?

Hello I got some questions on playback music via speaker. i found an example in the following link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022992/how-to-get-avaudioplayer-output-to-the-speaker but the question is how to make sure i successfully implemented playing music via "speaker"? I wrote the code as the link, but it seems no difference ...

Activate background sound while on the phone with Android

I'm curious if you could play sounds through the speaker while talking on the phone? For instance, play the sound of waves so the other guy would think you're at the seaside :) ...