
Sphinx PHP search

I'm doing a Sphinx search but turning up some really weird results. Any help is appreciated. So for example if I type "50", I get: 50 Cent 50 Lions 50 Foot Wave, etc. This is great, but when I search "50 Ce", I get: Ryczące Dwudziestki Spisek Bernhard Gal Cowabunga Go-Go And other crazy results. Also when I search for "50 Cent",...

Complex Query with Sphinx

I am using -- http://sphinxsearch.com/ . Its working fine for me except one problem. I need to exclude some entries where a specific field doesn't contain a word. Something that would look like this in mysql: Select * from table where yescolumn = 'query' and othercolumn not like '%keyword%' Please help. Thanks. ...

Sphinx non-fulltext, integer only search

Hello guys, I've got a few tables that literally only hold integers, no "words" and for some reason Sphinx is unable to hold this data in it's library. Just returns "0 bytes" errors for these indexes. Is it possible to do this? If so, how? Below is an example from my Sphinx.conf for one that fails. source track { type = mysql s...

how to get all column value from sphinx by configuration file php

hi i want to know how to get all column value from table using sphinx search... i have configuration file, that file can get only one field from table. but i need all field value. where will i modify for getting all field from table. thanks and advance... ...

remove all data from sphinx database

hi i want to know how to delete all data from sphinx table. because i would like to store new data to the table. thanks and advance. ...

Sphinx Delta Indexing issue

I have created delta indexes. and merging them using following commands sudo /usr/local/sphinx/bin/indexer --merge messagecenter_quotations_reply messagecenter_quotations_reply_delta --rotate But It only merges if I restart sphinx. if i run this command with out restarting sphinx I do not get any results . ...

Can We Use StoredProcedure in Sphinx

HI Guys, Please Can Anyone tell me the solution for how to wite storedProcedure in Sphinx..? first of all pls let me know Sphinx will support Storedprocedure like SqlServer Thanks In advance ...

Sphinx Configuring Multiple Sources

We have a modular site and would like to setup searching by module. For example, we have modules: news, customers, inventory So if the user is on the news module and they do a search, the results should only be from the news table. I've been reading Sphinx documentation but haven't seen if this is possible or not. We are using PHP an...

Sorting results in sphinx?

Is there an easy way to sort sphinx results? Recently posted (by dates) Highest paid (highest value) ...

How to reindex Sphinx with MySQL

I'm trying to figure out how I should be reindexing Sphinx. I'm using v 0.9.9, so I don't have the ability to do real-time updates of the index. I think I read somewhere that this can be done using a cron job, and that the index does not need to be entirely rebuilt (so no stopping the daemon). That said, I've never written nor run any c...

Sphinx Filter Limit of 4096

Sphinx MySQL search seems to have a limit to the number of items allowed as an array for SetFilter. I had attempted to use: foreach (array_chunk($venues, 4096) as $value) { $sphinx->SetFilter('venue', $value); } But upon checking, this doesn't seem to fix the problem. Any ideas how using Sphinx and the PHP library I am able to g...

Using main and delta indexes in sphinx

Im switching fulltext searching on my site to sphinx. Im going to be using SphinxSE to perform the searches. I created 2 indexes, as specified in the manual: http://www.sphinxsearch.com/docs/manual-0.9.9.html#live-updates It seems to work, and index different stuff in its own index, but Im somewhat confused about how I should handle th...

Generating search statistics

Hello, In my sphinx-powered search application, I want to show the top searches. I can perhaps log every keyword/ search phrase in a database table and then just do the count there. But my problem is if the search is not a word, but a phrase. Do I use sphinx's buildKeyword() method and split the phrase and log them individually? Or is...