
Using spring3 @Value to access PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer values ?

I'm trying to set the value of a string in a spring bean using @Value, when my property source is a subclass of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. Anyone know how to do this ? ...

How does Spring 3 expression language interact with property placeholders?

Spring 3 has introduced a new expression language (SpEL) which can be used in bean definitions. The syntax itself is fairly well specified. What isn't clear is how, if at all, SpEL interacts with the property placeholder syntax that was already present in prior versions. Does SpEL have support for property placeholders, or do I have to ...

Spring: What parser to use to parse security expressions

I would like to parse standard security expressions like hasRole etc. to get their value in a variable (in a JSP). How can I do that? SpelExpressionParser is the standard EL parser, but I don't think it will parse the security expression. ...

Can I use a property placeholder with Spring EL?

Before upgrading to Spring 3 I had this in my applicationContext.xml file: <bean class="com.northgateis.pole.ws.PolePayloadValidatingInterceptor"> <property name="validateRequest" value="${validateRequest}" /> <property name="validateResponse" value="${validateResponse}" /> </bean> where ${validateRequest) and ${va...

testing for empty string with SPEL in spring-webflow 2.1

Hi, I have a usecase where I want to set the value of a field which I keep in the session and have added to the . I keep 'myModel' in flowScope Now I would like to set a String property of object myModel if it is empty, so I want to do something like this: <on-render> <evaluate expression="if empty(flowScope.myModel.name)) ...