
Spring - Async Queue for sending mail

I have this: <si:poller max-messages-per-poll="10" id="defaultPoller" default="true"> <si:interval-trigger interval="5000"/> </si:poller> <si:channel id="emailIn"/> <si:channel id="emailOut"/> <si:service-activator input-channel="emailIn" output-channel="emailOut" ref="mailService" method="recieveMessage"/> <si:gateway id="gat...

Only the first message is delivered to the server

I'm trying to poll a DB on client side and send the result over HTTP to a server which collects data. Unfortunatly only the first message is delivered. I'm new to spring-integration (1.0.3) What is wrong with my configuration? Clients config: <si:channel id="msgChannel"> <si:queue capacity="1" /> </si:channel> <si:inbound-channel...

@Header annotation not working as expected

I am working on a spring integration project (1.0.2) and can't get the @Header annotation to work. Here's my service activator: @Component public class MyTransformer { @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "inChannel", outputChannel = "outChannel") public String transform(final Message<?> message, @Header...

spring integration and persistent objects

I am trying to use spring integration to decouple longer running action to get the response faster back to the user. The request creates a gps position entry in our database. I want to do a http request do get the address of that gps position by reverse geocoding services. This can take a couple of seconds so I want to to it later/paral...

MessageHeaders get lost at HttpOutboundGateway

I implemented the Message interface to include some headers for use with a HeaderValueRouter on server side. Within one VM this works (tested using a filter between two endpoints). But if I send the message through HttpOutboundGatway my fields get stripped (not included in the HttpRequest). And therefor the routing information is lost ...

Spring Integration @Splitter, what is happening to the header values I have modified?

I have a spring integration splitter with the following method signature: @Splitter public List<Message<String[]>> splitCsvIntoSeperateMessages(Message<List<String[]>> message) The message payload is an ArrayList of String[]. The splitter reads each row in the List, Creates a new Message setting the payload to the data item in the Li...

Securing JMS message-driven-channel-adapter

I am using a message-driven-channel-adapter to read messages off MQ queue, and this has been working fine in development. Now, in preparation for the first production release, I have to read a secured queue instead. What do I need to do? I think I need to make sure the following are set as system properties, but with what values? jav...