
Input values in table with spring

I have a component in Spring 3 form, that should store multiple int values in its input path. For that purpose I have created a table private int [] table and getters and setters. input path ="table"; It works kinda, but when I try to get table values and size, I get null pointer exception. I have former example which works, and it...

"Moving" select values

I have two selects in my Spring form. The other contains all the possible values for user to select, and the other should show that the user has picked. Idea is, that the value moves from select box to another when clicking a button. I assume this can be done with Javascript, but is there any example how to get it work with Spring 3? The...

Architecture for Spring Webflow 2 bean definitions

I have a project that uses Spring Webflow 2, extensively. There's well over 30 flows, each with a non-trivial number of beans. I've noticed that the application has been slowly gaining in startup time, and after setting the log level to debug and running through the logs, it looks like the problem is the increasing number of flows. To...

Intercept calls to HttpSession in Tomcat 6

What's the recommended approach to intercepting session.getAttribute() and session.setAttribute()? This is in a Spring based application so something AOP-based would be great. I'd like to avoid having to override core Tomcat classes if possible. Update: I want to store the actual serialized attributes in a web service. ...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet google app engine

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to set up an application for Google app engine, and I cannot make it work. I'm have everything set up with maven but spring its not working. I've been trough a lot of configuration setting and I cannot get it done!! Here you have the stack trace: 05-oct-2010 0:56:54 com.google.appengine.tools.info.RemoteVer...

CSS text-transform not sending upper case to Business Layer

Hi, I created a simple markup such as this. <html> <head> <head> <body> <input type="text" style="text-transform:uppercase" /> </body> </html> I was assuming that the browser will capitalize all inputs and indeed it was transformed In my business layer, I am assuming that browser will send the form data on Up...

In Spring MVC custom JSP tag: "Cannot find symbol": pageContext

Why would the pageContext variable not be findable in this custom tag installed in the WEB-INF/tags directory of a Spring MVC app? <%@ tag import="com.ocpsoft.pretty.time.PrettyTime, java.util.Date"%> <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" %> <%@ attribute name="dateParam" required="true" type="java.util.Date" %> ...

Plain Old XML webservice using Spring: which view technolgy?

I have been writing a Plain Old XML webservice using Spring MVC. Currently I am using Freemarker to layout the XML, and that works ok. But I'm wondering what other approaches I could look at? Reason is that now I need to also serve up regular html and am therefore looking at the whole view layer. ...

howto display validation errors in freemarker template

Hello, all approches i do to display my validation errors in a freemarker template fail. i use spring mvc version 3. My form looks like that <@layout.basic> <@spring.bind "user" /> <#if spring.status.error> <div class="errors"> There were problems with the data you entered: <ul> <#list spring.status.err...

Spring MVC on GAE: Slow Load Time

Hello All! I recently deployed a Spring MVC application to google app engine, and the intial load time is about 7sec. Once the application is loaded, the app is quite responsive. But, if the app is idle for more than 1 minute (there isn't ANY traffic to it) the app needs to be again reloaded by GAE, which, takes about 7sec as well. For...

spring mvc with facelets

Is it possible to use facelets as view technology with Spring MVC? There is no mention about it in the official documentation, but I've heard that Facelets are very convenient and easy to use and I'd like to try it, I just don't know how... ...

What is the best way to set a MySQL user variable in a Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate with Annotations web application?

I need to be able to set a MySQL user variable that is used in a trigger in a Spring MVC Hibernate web ap. This user variable is used in MySQL triggers on the tables that are being manipulated by Hibernate. I need this user variable to be correctly set during all of Hibernate's write accesses to the database. Unfortunately HQL does no...

Basic Spring MVC config: PageNotFound using InternalResourceViewResolver

I'm trying to get a first Spring 3 MVC setup running. My app is running on tomcat, with in the server context of "grapevine" For the purposes of testing, I'm trying to get requests from http://localhost:8080/grapevine/test to render the contents of WEB-INF/jsp/noSuchInvitation.jsp When I try this, I'm getting a 404, and the logs sugge...

Calling controller from junit test

Hi How can I call a spring annotated controller from a JUnit test, in a way so that spring comes into play with binding and all, but without making a http request (just mocking out the request object)? It has to include the whole shebang from the controller and down, with JPA and database and all. We are also using EJB, so maybe a bean ...

velocity template and javascript

I try add javascript to my velocity template. <html> <head> <title>:: $currency.CurrencyName Detail Info ::</title> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <td>Name</td> <td>$currency.CurrencyName</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Jual</td> <td><div id="$currency.CurrencyName_buy">$currency.Buy</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Beli</td> <td><div...

How to ensure the same account is not used to log in two different people at the same time in Spring Security?

I have a Spring MVC app that does not protect updates of user data with transactions. It assumes that only a single user is accessing the account data for that account at any one time. However, if two users were to log in using the same authentication credentials, it is theoretically possible, although unlikely, for two database upda...

Spring 3 web request interceptor - how do I get BindingResult?

I realy appreciate Spring 3 anoation driven mapping of Web Controllers I have a lot of Controllers with signatures like: @RequestMapping(value = "solicitation/create",method = RequestMethod.POST) public String handleSubmitForm(Model model, @ModelAttribute("solicitation") Solicitation solicitation, BindingResult result) But my issue...

data binding to drop down box in Spring MVC

hi, I have simple spring mvc web application.I want to bind list into drop down.In this case list items are normally bind into drop down; but If I select item and click submit button it is always passing "0" instead of value. This is my controller. public EditEmployeeController() { setCommandClass(Employee.class); setCo...

Deploying a Spring application in a Tomcat server instance

Hello! I am a newbie and I want to deploy a Spring project which I get via SVN to my Tomcat application server. I did a checkout in Eclipse (Subclipse) and so the project is located in my workspace. I downloaded the 6.0.29 Tomcat server and extracted it to a directory. Then I create a new Tomcat server in the Server tab of Eclipse. I c...

spring / hibernate - filter by current user id

hi, I have a table CompanyList in my Oracle database : CMP_ID INTEGER -- ID of company CMP_NAME VARCHAR2 -- name of company USR_ID INTEGER -- Foreign key to the USERS table i have my Spring 3 MVC app all configured using annotations, my POJOs as well , my DAO objects (CompanyDao) using hibernate to retrieve for exemple a list of comp...