
Eclipse - Is it possible to link to a file from within a Java comment?

Hi, I am looking for a way to link from a comment inside a .java file to another file somewhere in the project folder (like CMD-clicking a Java Type links to the Type declaration). In my case I am working on a (Spring Roo backed) web application, so I have controllers and view files. What I have in mind may look like this (Javadoc-orie...

How do I reload a Roo project without clearing the database?

I've been learning how to build projects using Roo and am making good progress. I have the nucleus of a project which correctly displays my defined entities and allows me to create, edit, and delete the representative objects. I am using mysql at the database and I see that objects entered using the UI correctly appear in the mysql dat...

Best Web2.0 framework for Java?

Hi all, this question is quite related to the one asked here, however, I am not interested in the best web framework, but in the best web2.0 framework for Java. First, here is what I want to achieve: Cutting-Edge GUI experience (see e.g. stackoverflow.com ;-) , http://presentlyapp.com/ and so many more) Easy MVC handling (similar to t...

How to use spring-roo entities from Eclipse RCP/RAP project

I have created a domain model using spring-roo, which makes heavy use of Spring and AspectJ. My model is deploying nicely as a OSGi bundle, and from the Spring STS (eclipse-based) IDE, I can call the entity classes, etc. I need to access these domain classes from a Eclipse RCP/RAP application, and this project I keep in the normal Eclip...

spring roo excel view

Hi I am trying to output an Excel file as the view in Spring Roo 1.0.2 What is the quickest way to do this? (Do I have to add new mapping etc?) At the moment I am using the default Roo AjaxUrlBasedViewResolver. Thanks ...

hot deploy in embedded jetty

Hi, I have a Spring Roo project and I use mvn jetty:run to run my app. The only problem is changes to the *.java classes do not hot deploy, while changes to *.jspx hot deploy fine. So how can I configure mvn jetty to hotdeploy for java classes ? Thanks ...

ACL architechture for a Software As a service in Spring 3.0

I am making a software as a service using Spring 3.0 (Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Roo, Hibernate) I have to come up with a flexible access control list mechanism.I have three different kinds of users System (who can do any thing to the system, includes admin and internal daemons) Operations (who can add and delete users, orga...

spring roo backup command lost my files

I generated spring roo project and modifies .jspx files to my styles. Unfortunately, when i used the backup command, spring roo was auto-generated files to the original one. Thus, my .jspx files are noy my styles. How should i do to recovery my files back from this command. ...

Access and modify attributes/objects which are not part of the form backing bean

I use Spring MVC (via Spring Roo) to build a small web application for administering persons. In the page for creating a person the bean Person is used as form backing object (key "person" in the model map). <form:form action="${form_url}" method="POST" modelAttribute="person"> I would like to add some attributes to the model map whic...

Autocompletion in Eclipse for Roo project

Hi guys, I've got a Roo project where I've made a couple of entities, and when I load up the project in Eclipse it loads up fine, but if I i.e. make an instance MyEntity entity and then write entity. I don't get any of my properties (i.e. getMyField) in the autocompletion list. If I write entity.getMyField() it compiles fine, that is ta...

How to define a field in spring-roo which appears on the page but doesn't get persisted.

Q1> In spring-roo how can I define a field that I want to appear on the page but doesn't get persisted in the DB. For e.g: If I have a confirm-password field that I want to appear on the page so that I can validation the password but don't want to persist it. Q2> Is there a way to define a password field directly form roo shell. ...

Spring ROO Serverside validation doesn't work

I have created a User domain with not null fields. If i remove following javascript validation on submit. Spring.addDecoration(new Spring.ValidateAllDecoration({elementId:'proceed', event:'onclick'})); Server side validation for notNull attribute doesn't work. On save user is created without validation error. Am I missing somethin...

SpringSource Tool Suite tc Server Weaving Error

Hello, Environment : Windows XP, SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) 2.3.2, Roo 1.0.0, Java 1.6.0_10 I'm evaluating Roo and have created a Roo project with one Entity. Starting the tc server shows the below error in the log. My entity is StbTestResult. The app works, but I'm wondering why the error message appears? Thanks, Steve [TomcatAspec...

SpringSource Roo Controller Removal

Hello, Environment: Windows XP, SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.2, Roo 1.0.2.Release, Java 1.6.0_10, tc Server 6.0 I'm using the canned Roo generated code. I created an entity and associated controller. Then deleted both classes. The problem I'm seeing is the Roo created home page still shows the "Create/List" section for the deleted class...

spring-roo dojox.grid.DataGrid not rendered

Hello, I'm using spring-roo trying to use dojox.grid.DataGrid. The page renders as a plain table. Why does it not use the DataGrid? Thanks! Steve <div xmlns:spring="http://www.springframework.org/tags" xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0"><jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="yes...

Spring Roo, 10 minutes tutorial error

Hi all, I've just tried Spring Roo's 10 minutes tutorial to create that timer application. I'm able to create and view individual timers fine, but the moment I go to list all timers in my browser, it generates an error which in turn generates another error. I don't know what the first error is, but the second error is this: XML Parsing ...

Jsp static import

I've created a Spring Roo project. Everything looks fine. Now I want to add a form with a text input and a button to my index.jspx. This form will change a static field currentUser in my ToDo class. So I'm adding: <form> <%@ page import="static com.mypack.domain.ToDo.*" %> <label for="_username_id">My name is:</label> <% curren...

ROO: how to create composit primary key in Entity

Hi, What can I do if I need to create entity for a table in production DB (Oracle 10g) with composite primary key. For example: [CODE] CREATE TABLE TACCOUNT ( BRANCHID NUMBER(3) NOT NULL, ACC VARCHAR2(18 BYTE) NOT NULL, DATE_OPEN DATE NOT NULL, D...

Ruby on Rails vs Grails vs. Spring ROO vs. Spring App

Hi, I'm planning on writing a simple web application that will be used by lots of users (as complicated as a simple bookmarking app) and I'm trying to decide which framework/language to use. I'm very experienced with Spring/Hibernate and Java in general but new to both Grails and RoR (and Spring ROO). The only reason I'm considering R...

Maven problems using GAE and DataNucleus

I'm having trouble retrieving 2 artifacts in my Maven/Java/Google App Engine project: com.google.appengine.orm:datanucleus-appengine:jar:1.0.7.final com.google.appengine:appengine-api-1.0-sdk:jar:1.3.4 There's a similar question posted, but each answer brings me back to the same error message. More detail I don't know if it is re...