
Issue updating a dynamically-binded AutoPopulatingList in Spring/JSTL

Hello, I am having an issue updating a select box's value that was created from a dynamically-binded AutoPopulatingList. Here's what I have: An AutoPopulatingList "basicList" that contains "BasicDefinition" objects that I created. Each BasicDefinition object contains: String value OperatorType object (the OperatorType object contains...

Google App Engine application instance recycling and response times...

Hi, I posted this on GAE for Java group, but I hope to get some answers here quicker :) I decided to do some long-run performance tests on my application. I created some small client hitting app every 5-30 minutes and I run 3-5 of threads with such client. I noticed huge differenced in response times and started to investigate issue. ...

Spring Ajax controller - Accept submissions without refreshing page

I am using Starbox in my Spring page. I want to submit the user rating so I can store it in the database and not have to refresh the page for the user. How can I have a Spring controller that accepts this value and doesn't have to return a new view. I don't necessarily need to return any updated html - if the user clicks the Starbox, ...

Wicket with Spring declarative transaction

It is possible to use the Spring Framework's @Transactional support outside of a Spring container. In reference documentation is chapter about AspectJ aspect. I'm trying to use it in my wicket application, but with no positive result. application-context.xml: <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="trans...

can spring support multi applications sharing membership?

Does the spring framework support multi applications sharing a common user base? e.g. 2 separate web applications somehow hook into a single database to get user related information (username, password, and maybe even roles) The idea is this, something similiar to asp.net membership it works like this, you can have 10 websites, all pu...

What other libraries or tools would you add to a Spring/Hibernate stack for improved rapid application development?

My team at work maintains a fairly large webapp written on top of Spring and Hibernate. We're about to start making some fairly large scale changes to the site, and we're enamored with the rapid application development speeds allowed by some other frameworks, like Rails. We haven't really changed our stack much in the last year or two,...

How can I inject a property value into an annotation configured spring mvc 3.0 controller

Hi First: I'm using Spring 3.0 I have a problem when configuring my controller class. The controller uses a web service which I want to define the endpoint address using a .properties file. @Controller public class SupportController { @Value("#{url.webservice}") private String wsEndpoint; ... In my application context...

Conversion strategies for bind variables

A Spring JDBC question: I use a lot of objects as bind variables which are not automatically mapped to their JDBC equivalents, e.g. jdbctemplate.query(sql, foo, bar, wee) with foo, bar and wee being instances of objects which are not covered by the JDBC type autoconversion. Can anyone on SO suggest a best practice for a conversion strat...

Java-Spring-Hibernate: How can I save a filter and, afterward, how could I use it?

I receive a task for a project which uses Spring, Hibernate and Wicket. In a particular HTML page I must have the possibility to create a filter(set the name of the filter and its parameters). I must create a list of filters in this way. In the same time, I must have the possibility to edit and delete the filter, and of course, to use t...

Is there an example on how to use Spring 3.0 content negotiation for RESTful services?

I was reading the Spring 3.0 Documentation and Blog Posts (followups) on how to create REST style services with Spring MVC but I can't find any working example on how to use the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver. I have a test controller like this @Controller public class IndexController implements Serializable { @RequestMapping("/inde...

how do java annotations work with spring, are they scanned at runtime or at startup?

Just trying to understand how Java annotations work under the covers. Seeing as spring relies on annotations and scanning the object graph for DI and AOP (reflection), curious how things actually work. With spring, are all lookup mappings etc. done at startup, so at runtime spring looks at its own inner mappings for DI/AOP/etc. instead...

where can I get springs source code?

Hm, trying to find the spring framework's source code download, but can't! Can someone help me out? BTW, what exactly are the benefits of going with more commercial version of spring? ...

JPA parent child delete problem

I have two entities: @Entity public class Game implements Serializable{ @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "target_id") protected GameObject target; } @Entity public class GameObject implements Serializable { @OneToMany(mappedBy = "target", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) protected Collection<Game> games = new HashSet<Game>(); } In one t...

What are the drawbacks of using Spring BlazeDS Integration?

I have a little prior experience with Spring framework and Flex, but never used them together. I'm starting a new project and would like to use Spring and Flex. I noticed that there is some special "Spring BlazeDS Integration" library. Due to tight deadlines I'm unable to do a proper evaluation and I would appreciate StackOverflow commun...

Spring MVC and Checkboxes

I'm using Spring MVC 3.0 and can't quite see all the parts to this problem: my controller will produce a list of domain objects. Let's say a simple User object with firstName, lastName, age, and role properties. I want to output that list of users in a table (one column per property), each row also having a checkbox which are all selecte...

problem creating an EhCache Cache from spring

Reading the javadoc for EhCacheManagerFactoryBean and EhCacheFactoryBean I figured that: <bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean" p:configLocation="classpath:ehcache.xml"/> <bean id="locationCache" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean" p:cacheManager-ref="...

first servlet/jsp application, just need some clarifications

I first tried the spring mvc tutorial using eclipse, but got a bit frustration and just did the first few steps using netbeans. Netbeans, using a java web template, creates folders like: /webpages /webpages/meta-inf/ /webpages/web-inf/ /webpages/*.jsp /source packages /source packages/xxxx/xxx.java /test packages/ /libraries /configura...

Spring + Hibernate + JPA

As of now I have a working Spring application with persistence. However now I want to use Hibernate with JPA to do all of my database activities. I want to do this using an entitymanager. I've been reading many documents and tutorials on this matter, I've been getting confused on whether I need a persistence.xml file or not. Also I've ...

Another Spring + Hibernate + JPA question

I'm still struggling with changing my Spring Application to use Hibernate with JPA to do database activities. Well apparently from a previous post I need an persistence.xml file. However do I need to make changes to my current DAO class? public class JdbcProductDao extends Dao implements ProductDao { /** Logger for this class and s...

Declaring an explict object dependency in Spring

The basic problem I have here is that I have one xml file that is being used as a utility file and imported into other xml files. It defines a series of objects for connecting to a platform and providing an interface to it. The beans in this file are defined to be lazy-initialised so that if you do not want to connect to the platform you...