
Why isn't SQL ANSI-92 standard better adopted over ANSI-89?

At every company I have worked at, I have found that people are still writing their SQL queries in the ANSI-89 standard: select a.id, b.id, b.address_1 from person a, address b where a.id = b.id rather than the ANSI-92 standard: select a.id, b.id, b.address_1 from person a inner join address b on a.id = b.id For an extremely simple...

Sql Ansi to manage DateTime values

I'm developing a multi-database system. I want the difference between two dates in seconds. In SQL Server I got: DATEDIFF(second,stardate,enddate) In MySql: TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(stardate,enddate)) My question: Does Sql Ansi have functions to manage DateTime values? i.e.: There are datetime functions generic for all databases? ...

AutoIncrement fields on databases without autoincrement field

In MS Sql Server is easy create autoincrement fields. In my systems I stopped to use autoincrement fields for primary keys, and now I use Guid's. It was awesome, I've got a lot of advantages with that change. But in another non-primary key fields, I really was needing implement a "soft autoincrement". It's because my system is DB indepen...

Is there a SQL ANSI way of starting a search at the end of table?

In a certain app I must constantly query data that are likely to be amongst the last inserted rows. Since this table is going to grow a lot, I wonder if theres a standard way of optimizing the queries by making them start the lookup at the table's end. I think I would get the same optmization if the database stored data for the table in...