
Querying data from different tables

I am using a query like this on my postgres database, SELECT TableA.id FROM TableA , TableB WHERE TableA.id = 100; Each TableA.id is unique (its an autoincrement), I am gettting more than 1 result. Am i missing something in here? ...

Complex SQL Query (at least for me)

I'm trying to develop a sql query that will return a list of serial numbers. The table is set up that whenever a serial number reaches a step, the date and time are entered. When it completes the step, another date and time are entered. I want to develop a query that will give me the list of serial numbers that have entered the step, ...

MySQL sorting the result using a field of a different table

I have 3 tables of the following structure products { pid pname plocation... } services { s_id s_name s_location... } txn { tid pid... } I am using the following query to get the values I require. $dbquery = "SELECT DISTINCT prod...

Count The number of child from tree table

Hi All, I have a table tilted "tbltree" Structure: `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` longtext NOT NULL, `parent` int(10) unsigned default '0' Data: id Title parent 1 abc 0 2 xyz 1 3 pqr 1 4 uuu 2 Now I want the results like this id title no of childs 1 abc 3 2 xyz 1 3 pqr...

Strange behavior of sql server

Hey guys, I have following table structure in my DB ID Name -------------------------- ID_1 Name1 ID1 Name2 when I execute the following query SELECT * FROM tblNames WHERE ID LIKE '_1' I get both records selected... any suggestions how to get rid off it?? ...

How to populate a database column with random numbers

How do I populate a int column, currently empty, with random numbers with no duplicates? ...

Extending SQL query to include records beyond a given date.

I have a query limited by a date range: select * from mytable where COMPLETIONDATE >= TO_DATE('29/06/08','DD/MM/YY') and COMPLETIONDATE <= TO_DATE('29/06/09','DD/MM/YY') The table is a log for activities for a ticket system. The content may be something like: ticket_id|activity|completiondate 1 1 some 1 2 som...

Why Doesn't My SQL Query do anything?

Hi there I got this query string I have to run so I can update a distinct row in a sql server table: servidorSql.ConnectionString = conexao Dim insert As String = "UPDATE [Equipamentos] SET [ID_Cliente]=@ID_Cliente, [Identificacao] = @Identificacao, [Fabricante] = @Fabricante, [Modelo] = @Modelo, [Versao_Software] = @Versao...

Display records from Master/Master-Detail Table using SQL query only

Hi, I have a problem which I already solved using T-SQL(cursor & loop).(SQL server 2005) But I am looking for the solution using SQL. I have a Master Table with a column say MasterRecord(all are unique and type Varchar and PK) MasterRecord MRecord1 MRecord2 MRecord3 MRecord4 ................ .................. MRecord[n] Now...

Sql Query Need help

Hi I need small query here are my tables user table userid username user001 987 user002 123 user003 456 logintrack usrid lastlogin user001 7/22/2009 user001 7/23/2009 user002 7/24/2009 user001 7/25/2009 user003 7/26/2009 user002 7/25/2009 user001 7/26/2990 Expected Output userid username lastlogin user001 987 7/26/2009 ...

Deleting duplicate record from table - SQL query

I need to delete duplicate rows only from the table, like I have 3 duplicate rows in the table, my query will delete 2 rows from 3 duplicated rows. How can I get this? Please help me. Thanks ...

SQL Query Data Collect

I have a SQL server table that has a list of Usernames and a list of points ranging from 1 to 10,000. I want to display the number of points in my VB.NET program from the username given. For example, if I type in "john" in the first box the program will give me a message box saying whatever amount of points "john" has. I'm not really s...

SQL Sub-query or INNER-JOIN?

I've the two following queries: declare @UserId as int set @UserId = 1 -- Query #1: Sub-query SELECT u.[Id] , u.[Name] , u.[OrgId] AS Organization, (SELECT o.[Name] FROM Org o WHERE o.Id = u.OrgId) As OrganizationName, [UserRoleId] AS UserRole, [UserCode] AS UserCode, [EmailAddress] As EmailAddress, (SE...

nhibernate sql-query results different from direct query results

UPDATE: I've answered my question below, take a peek and let me know if you have a better way of doing this executive summary: when calling my sqlserver function from SQL Management Studio I get a list with results {1, 2, 3}. when calling the method from a code using NHibernate I get this list {1, 1, 1}. ('1' is an entire result row, ...

SQL Size comparison

I have a database where I check on the size, because clients may only use a certain amount of space, aswell as they may only have a certain number of 'pages', which I put in the db aswell. I have the following sql query: SELECT table_schema "Servers", sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB", sum( data_fre...

Why am I getting this error when creating an SQL query in MATLAB?

I'm trying to export some data from MATLAB to a database. I use a PostgreSQL database via ODBC as follows. First, I create the connection: dbConn = database('PostgreSQL30', username,password); If I try to execute some test insertion manually, everything looks fine: exec( dbConn, 'insert into test(std) values(2.2)') When I try to g...

Building SQL Query

Hi all, I need some help to build SQL Query. I have table having data like: ID Date Value 1 12/01/2009 4 2 12/02/2009 3 3 12/03/2009 6 4 12/01/2008 2 5 12/02/2008 4 6 12/03/2008 5 Here is my query: select ID, Date, Value from MyTable where Date between '12/01/2009' and '12/04/2009' ...

Query table names based on the column information

I want to query a set of tables based on the column name, type, etc. Basically without knowing the name of a table I want to query the database for all tables capable of storing the data into. I have this query but I'm not sure if it's very efficient. I was wondering if there is a better way. SELECT O.TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEM...

combine two mysql fields and update a third one with result using php

I have a database table that contain two fields "Categories" and "Tags" i need to create a third field lets say called Keywords as the result of combining both categories and tags so $Keywords = $tags." ".$categories; can you help me please on how to achieve this thanks ...

Date/time query from Access table ( last month)

Hello, I am using the query builder from Visual Studio 2008 to extract data from an Access mdb ( 2003), but I can't make it to work with a datetime field. When I run it with a third party query app I have works fine, but when I try to implement it into visual studio I can't do it. What is the correct way to extract last month data? ...