
Move SSIS Packages from SQL Server 2005 to 2008.

What are best practices for moving/exporting SQL Server Integration Services Packages from a SQL Server 2005 DB over to 2008? What are some of the security concerns? ...

How do I set the login info for SQL Server 2008 in Entity Framework?

Okay I'm still learning the ropes with the Entity Framework and I came across one more small issue. When I create my Entity Model from the SQL Server 2008 database it warns me about saving the login information in the connection string in the config file. Initially I wasn't concerned about that so I just left it in there, but now I want...

SqlDataReader.HasRows returns false since SQL 2008 upgrade

I've got an ASP.NET 2.0 website that connects to a SQL database. I've upgraded the SQL server from 2000 to 2008 and since then, one page refuses to work. I've worked out the problem is that the call to SqlDataReader.HasRows is returning false even though the dataset is not empty and removing the check allows the loop through reader.Rea...

Advantages of MS SQL Server 2008 over MS SQL Server 2005?

What are the key differences between MS SQL Server 2005 and 2008? Are there any compelling reasons for upgrading (any edition, as I have a customer with multiple editions)? Or can you point to a website with either a chart or bullet point comparison of the two servers? Also, is there anything noteworthy in the Express editions of ei...

In SQL Server 2008 how can I secure data in a way that it cannot be decrypted unless connected to a network?

We have recently implemented Transparent Data Encryption in SQL Server 2008 for local databases on our developers laptops to keep them protected in the case a laptop is stolen or lost. This works fine. Now we are trying to figure out a way to have the certificate expire everyday, forcing an automated process (a script at logon maybe) t...

using entity framework/nhibernate with sql2008 geography datatype

I am using sql express 2008 and vs2008, writing in c#. I have a db table with a Geography column in it, into which I need to put gps data I collected. When I tried creating an Entity-Framework mapping for this table, it just ignored the column with some warning about not being able to map such column types. I then looked at nHibernate.S...

Cross apply in Linq

Is it possible to use SQL Server 2008 CROSS APPLY with LINQ-2-SQL? Example SQL: select d.dateCol, tvf.descr, tvf.value from dateTable d cross apply tvFunction(d.dt, 'anotherParam') tvf where d.category='someCat' CROSS APPLY enables using values from a table (dateTable in the example) as parameters to a tablevalue function. This is v...

How do I check SQL replication status via T-SQL?

I want to be able to check the status of a publication and subscription in SQL Server 2008 T-SQL. I want to be able to determine if its okay, when was the last successful, sync, etc.. Is this possible? ...

Creating Default columns in SQL 2008 using Policy management (DMF)

Hi, Could someone tell me if its possible to add a policy to create default columns in a table schema using the SQL 2008 Policy management features So for example I may have a desire to have a Date column in all of my tables called CreateDate and no DBA could create a table without a column of type datetime with name "CreateDate" Is t...

How to persist a calculated GEOMETRY or GEOGRAPHY column

I'm trying to create a table under SQL Server 2008 containing a GEOMETRY column and a calculated variation thereof. Considering the following table where the calculated column returns a buffered geometry: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test] ( [Geometry] GEOMETRY NOT NULL, [Buffer] FLOAT NOT NULL, [BufferedGeometry] AS ([Geometry]....

How to get BIDS for Visual Studio 2008 SP1?

I currently use Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and have been migrating older projects into VS2008 but existing SSIS and SSRS (2005) projects have not been compatible with VS2008. It has been a pain to maintain those BIDS projects as a separate solution. I have been considering upgrading to SQL2008 but because our dev, test and production platf...

Implementing a SQL Server 2008 User-defined function in managed code for geocoding

The goal: To create a .NET dll i can reference from inside SQL Server where i can pass in an address & get back a geocode string that i can stick into a geography data type as a POINT using STPointFromText() in t-SQL. I'm using Virtual Earth, I signed up for a developer account which gave me access to virtual earth staging servers. I'...

Basic MS SQL Server 2008 questions

Can you import (or migrate) SQL Server 2005 databases to SQL Server 2008? Is it possible to have the same 2005 and 2008 running on the same machine without complications? ...

SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Intellisense

I just installed SQL Server Express 2008 because of intellisense feature. It worked at first but than it stopped working. Looking for the option to check and later consulting Google I have found that it looks like Microsoft disabled intellisense if you connect to SQL Server 2005 databases. Is this absolutely correct ? Is there any solu...

How can I enable Full-Text indexing using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2008 Express?

I did it using the commands as described here and it works but I want to do it using the SQL Management Studio. SQL Server 2008 Books Online says this: To create a full-text catalog: In Object Explorer, expand the server, expand Databases, and expand the database in which you want to create the full-text catalog. Exp...

How Can I Log and Find the Most Expensive Queries?

Hi folks The activity monitor in sql2k8 allows us to see the most expensive queries. Ok, that's kewl, but is there a way I can log this info or get this info via query analyser? I don't really want to have the Sql Management console open and me looking at the activity monitor dashboard. I want to figure out which queries are poorly wri...

Snapshot Isolation

Does anyone know which versions of sqlserver2008 supports snapshot isolation? ...

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services permissions

I'm having trouble with SQL Server 2008 (Express with Advanced Services) Reporting Services permissions. I'm running this on Vista Ultimate at home - standalone machine with no servers, no domain or active directory. When I go to the ReportServices site, I get this: The permissions granted to user 'localmachine\Scott' are insuffi...

Regular Expressions in SQL Server servers?

Is it possible to make efficient queries that use the complete regular expression feature set. If not Microsoft really should consider that feature. ...

Using SMO to copy a database and data

I am trying to make a copy of a database to a new database on the same server. The server is my local computer running SQL 2008 Express under Windows XP. Doing this should be quite easy using the SMO.Transfer class and it almost works! My code is as follows (somewhat simplified): Server server = new Server("server"); Database sourceDa...