
Database engines Comparison - Windows Mobile..

What are the different database options on Windows Mobile available? I have used CEDB and EDB for linear dataset needs. I have heard of SQL server 2005 Mobile edition. But what are the advantages over others (if there is any) ...

How to read remote XML file the most efficiently way ?

i am developping a little app that retrieves an XML file, located on a remote server (http://xxxx.com/myfile.xml) This file is relatively big, and it contains a big list of geolocations with other informations that i need to use for my app. So i read this file remotely once and insert it into a little SqlCE file (database.sdf) So If I n...

Is it safe to open the same .sdf database file from two WinMo different applications?

I have two Windows Mobile 6.1 applications that use the same MS SQL Server Mobile database. They might select and update data in the database at the same time. The database is kept in one .sdf file. I don't know how the MS SQL mobile version works. The application loads following sql libraries: sqlceoledb30.dll, SQLCEER30EN.DLL, sqlces...

Accessing an SDF SQLServer Mobile file from Java

Here at work we want to access the data inside a .sdf file generated in a PDA with SQLServer Mobile Edition. We use the SqlJDBC4 packet for JDBC but can't get into the server. We know it's running because we can telnet into it, but from the Java code we just get once and again that we can't connect to server. We use this connection Stri...

How to use the same parameter more than once in a query

I want to run a query similar to this one on a SqlCE database: SELECT t.Field1, t.Field2 FROM MyTable t WHERE t.Field1 = @Param UNION ALL SELECT t2.Field1, t2.Field2 FROM MyOtherTable t2 WHERE t2.Field1 = @Param However, running this results in the error message: Duplicated parameter names are not allowed. [ Parameter name = @P...