
How do you identify the triggers associated with a table in a sybase database?

I am using SQL Advantage and need to know what the SQL is to identify the triggers associated with a table. I don't have the option to use another tool so the good old fashioned SQL solution is the ideal answer. ...

Need help to solve query (using datepart)

select dateadd(mi, -1*(datepart(mi, logindt) % 60),dateadd(ss, -1*(datepart(ss, logindt)),dateadd(ms, -1*(datepart(ms, logindt)), logindt)))[Date],count(*)[Count] from TableName where logindt between 'Dec 1 2009 12:00 AM' and 'Dec 2 2009 23:59 PM' group by dateadd(mi, -1*(datepart(mi, logindt) % 60),date...