
C++ SQLBindParameter

Here are the declarations of the variables: string strFirstName; string strLastName; string strAddress; string strCity; string strState; double dblSalary; string strGender; int intAge; ...Do some "cin" statements to get data... retcode = SQLPrepare(StatementHandle, (SQLCHAR *)"INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE ([FirstName], [LastName], [Address],...

Execute sql statement via JDBC with CLOB binding

I have the following query (column log is of type CLOB): UPDATE table SET log=? where id=? The query above works fine when using the setAsciiStream method to put a value longer than 4000 characters into the log column. But instead of replacing the value, I want to append it, hence my query looks like this: UPDATE table SET log=log||...

oracle insert with many bind variables over WAN is very slow

Hello, we have problem with slow insert statement using 40 bind variables as columns values. It runs several seconds when running over WAN link and we were not able to nail down the problem, until we used network analyzer. Every single execution of this prepared query required exchanging over 120 packets between client and server to com...

¿How to bind params to an statement using a loop?

Hi! I'm just learning to use PDO, and I want to bind params to a delete statement using a loop. I'm using a code like this that definitely doesn't works: public function delete_user ($post, $table='mytable') { $delete = $this->conn->prepare("DELETE FROM $table WHERE id IN (:id) "); ...

Can't bind string containing @ char with mysqli_stmt_bind_param

I have a problem with my database class. I have a method that takes one prepared statement and any number of parameters, binds them to the statement, executes the statement and formats the result into a multidimentional array. Everthing works fine until I try to include an email adress in one of the parameters. The email contains an @ ch...

stmt->bind_params dynamically? PHP

How would it be best to approach this task? require_once('models/databaseModel.class.php'); class crudModel extends databaseModel{ public function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); } public static function create(&$data, $tbl){ // TEST $data array // $data = array('name'=>'philip','email'=>'[email protected]','age'=>2...

Bind_param Non-Object Error w/ mysqli

When attempting to insert the initial row for a table that will track daily views, I am getting the error: Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in /.../functions.php on line 157 That line is the last of the following group: if($stats_found) { $sqlquery = "UPDATE vid_stats SET views = ? WHERE title =...