
How to use SQLite for windows forms application file?

I'm writing a new Windows Forms 2.0 application. This application is going to have a data file. The user will be able to open the data file, do some work and save it to disk. Then he'll be able to open it later, to continue working. Same thing as Microsoft Word and .doc files. I'd like to use SQLite for the data file. However, I don't w...

" NSRangeException " problem

I am trying to build an iPhone app. But at the time of compiling there is a message showing that [Session started at 2009-01-29 18:25:40 +0600.] 2009-01-29 18:25:44.238 SimpleGame[3691:20b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (1) beyond bounds (0)' 2009-01-29...

Sqlite C user defined function

I'm using the sqlite C API. "Everything" is run in the main function (variables, open, execute a query, close the database, etc.) In addition, I would like to now create separate user defined functions where I do, for example, a sort on the database. What is the best method to pass the db objects and variables from main to this new fu...

Trying to attach a database to a currently open database but i'm getting an error saying ATTACH is not allowed from SQL

Hi, I'm trying to attach a database(db2.sqlite) to a currently open database(db1.sqlite) and copy the contents of one of the tables in db2 into one of the tables in db1. The logical way to do this I thought was to use the attach command and then select all from db2 and insert into db1:- attach 'C:\db2.sqlite' as newData; insert into ma...

Refactor SQL (workaround RIGHT OUTER JOIN)

Hey Stackers, Since SQLite does not support RIGHT OUTER JOINS I pose the following challenge (read: invitation to do my work for me): Refactor this query so it no longer utilises SQLite-unsupported constructs like RIGHT/FULL OUTER JOINs. SELECT strings.*, translations.text FROM translations INNER JOIN ...

What is wrong with this SQLite query?

I'm creating an AIR application which connects to a SQLite database. The database balks at this insert statement, and I simply cannot figure out why. There is no error, it simply does not move on. INSERT INTO Attendee (AttendeeId,ShowCode,LastName,FirstName,Company,Address,Address2,City,State,ZipCode,Country,Phone,Fax,Email,BuyNum,Prim...

Encoding problem using SQLite and WinForms 2.0 C#

Hello all I am developing a WinForms app using .NET 2.0 and am trying to use SQLite as a DB solution. My main problem is that I have trouble seeing data from the DB in the WinForm when the data is in a non english language (in my case greek). For db administration purposes I use the SQLite administrator which has no trouble at all retu...

Python + SQLite query to find entries that sit in a specified time slot

Hi, I want to store a row in an SQLite 3 table for each booking in my diary. Each row will have a 'start time' and a 'end time'. Does any one know how I can query the table for an event at a given time? E.g. Return any rows that happen at say 10:30am Thanks ...

JavaScript: Is IP In One Of These Subnets?

So I have ~12600 subnets: eg. and an IP. I can use a SQLite Database or an array or whatever There was a similar question asked about a month ago, however I am not looking for checking one IP against one subnet but a bunch of subnets (obviously the most efficient way, hopefully not O(total subnets)) :) How can I ch...

Recommendation for Sqlite DB manager application?

There are quite a few Sqlite GUI applications listed here: http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ManagementTools some appear to be incomplete, buggy, not maintained, etc. Do you have any recommendations? ...

how to get last inserted Id of a Sqlite database using Zend_Db

I'm trying to fetch the last inserted row Id of a Sqlite DB in my PHP application. I'm using Zend Framework's PDO Sqlite adapter for database handling. the lastInsertId() method is supposed to give me the results, but it wouldn't. In PDO documentation in php.net I read that the lastInsertId() might not work the same on all databases. but...

Why should I use SQLite over a Jet database

Someone asked me this the other day, and I couldn't think of a good answer. Platform portability is completely irrelevant to the project. In fact, Jet has some features that SQLite does not, namely foreign keys. So can anyone think why SQLite should be used instead of a Jet database? ...

AUTO_INCREMENT in sqlite problem with python

I am using sqlite with python 2.5. I get a sqlite error with the syntax below. I looked around and saw AUTOINCREMENT on this page http://www.sqlite.org/syntaxdiagrams.html#column-constraint but that did not work either. Without AUTO_INCREMENT my table can be created. An error occurred: near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error CREATE TABLE f...

creating blank field and receving the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY with sqlite, python

I am using sqlite with python. When i insert into table A i need to feed it an ID from table B. So what i wanted to do is insert default data into B, grab the id (which is auto increment) and use it in table A. Whats the best way receive the key from the table i just inserted into? ...

Database as fileformat

A niave beginners question about database design. I have an app managing some logger data eg. 1000s of sequential measurements of time, voltage, current, temperature. In addition each sequence run has meta data (date, location, etc). So I need a table for each set of measurements and a master table listing these tables and the meta data ...

Ruby cannot find sqlite3 driver on windows

I am trying to set up Ruby on Rails on windows. I am using the Flash Rails distribution that looks pretty good, but there is an issue with sqlite3. I found the threads telling me to install version 1.2.3, which installed fine. I'm using ruby 1.9.0, and every time I try and run a script (e.g. rake db:create) that uses the database I get a...

Core Data vs SQLite 3

I am already quite familiar with relational databases and have used SQLite (and other databases) in the past. However, Core Data has a certain allure, so I am considering spending some time to learn it for use in my next application. Is there much benefit to using Core Data over SQLite, or vice versa? What are the pros/cons of each? I ...

sqlite table, using a name+value table?

I am working on a problem. The problem is i have multiple links to a file, and a link to multiple links to a single file (files that are protected and have a userid+key thus require a different link). So for my file i have the fileid, path and misc data (i called it status for now). Is this table structure good? I am using sqlite and ma...

Python, SQLite and threading

I'm working on an application that will gather data through HTTP from several places, cache the data locally and then serve it through HTTP. So I was looking at the following. My application will first create several threads that will gather data at a specified interval and cache that data locally into a SQLite database. Then in the...

Drop all tables command

What is the command to drop all tables in SQLite? Similarly I'd like to drop all indexes. ...