
How do reduce transaction log growth for batched nvarchar(max) updates

Our app needs to add large amounts of text to SQL Server 2005 database (up to 1 GB for a single record). For performance reasons, this is done in chunks, by making a stored procedure call for each chunk (say, usp_AddChunk). usp_AddChunk does not have any explicit transactions. What I'm seeing is that reducing the chunk size from 100MB t...

CommandBuilder and SqlTransaction to insert/update a row

I can get this to work, but I feel as though I'm not doing it properly. The first time this runs, it works as intended, and a new row is inserted where "thisField" contains "doesntExist" However, if I run it a subsequent time, I get a run-time error that I can't insert a duplicate key as it violate the primary key "thisField". static...

multiple sqltransactions in single sqlconnection

I have some code that I want to execute as follows. But I keep getting the exception "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable" on the 2nd iteration. Could someone help me point out what I am doing wrong here? Thanks! SqlConnection cn = (SqlConnection)SqlConnectionManager.Instance.GetUserConnection(user); cn.Open()...