
Is it possible to connect PHP to SQL Server Compact Edition?

Is it possible to connect PHP to a SQL Server Compact Edition database? What would be the best driver? ...

Connect MS Access to SQL Server Compact database using ADO

I am trying to connect to a SQL Server Compact edition db (.sdf) from Access 2003. Here's the start of my code: Const sdfPath = "C:\SSCE\AmphiData.sdf" Dim pConn as ADODB.Connection Set pConn = new ADODB.Connection pConn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source = " & sdfPath pConn.Open The Open com...

Connect SQL Server Compact 3.5 Database to MS Access 2003 using ADO?

Is it possible to write connect and open a SQL Compact 3.5 database from within MS Access 2003? I want to be able to use MS Access 2003 to manipulate data in a SQL Compact 3.5 database. If it is possible, then what statements would be used to open the database? ...

How to create empty local databases based on an existing .sdf file on VS2008 and SQL Server Compact

I'd like to use Visual Studio 2008 IDE for editing my local database schema for a SQL Server Compact 3.5 database. However, everything in the documentation and in the UI seems to make an assumption that the application/assembly only wants to use a single database and never wishes to create new ones based on the existing schema. I'd lik...

Any reason to use DataSets with Local Databases with SQL Server Compact?

Does it make sense to use .NET DataSets even in applications that use a local in-process database for application data persistence? If DataSets are mainly meant for in-memory caching of database results, it sounds like they're not so beneficial when using something like SQL Server Compact local database that runs in the same process as ...

return Identity in SQLServer Compact

How do you get the identity column value after an insert in SQL Server Compact 3.5? ...

SQL Server Compact - using OleDB vs SqlServerCe

Looking for performance vs. ease of use comparisons between the two Hopefully some real world examples too ? This is for a desktop Winforms/C# app using SQL Server Compact 3.5 and .net 2.0 ...

Create SQL Server Compact database file programmatically

How can I create a new SQL Server Compact database file (.sdf) programmatically, without having an existing template file to copy from? ...

UpdateException with ADO.NET and SSCE

Sorry, I was typing this up on my iPhone really fast. I have a SSCE database that has two tables (EDMX). I am using the repository pattern and the Entity Framework to communicate between my application and the SSCE. But I get an XamlParseException that is hiding an UpdateException. It always seems to stop when I call entities.SaveChanges...