
Blocking the standard error output of a programmatically run system command

I have this program in c++: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char buf[50]; cin.getline(buf,49); system(buf); return 0; } When I run and compile it and type for example "helo", my program prints the error: "helo" not found. Can I stop this error from being displayed? Is there any way to disable the error from...

Java: Show crashes in GUI, but suppress warnings

For desktop apps, it's useful to see the stacktrace on the GUI when the program crashes. I implemented this in Java by replacing System.err with my own error handler, which redirects all error messages to a GUI component and a text file. The problem: Quite a few libraries out there (e.g. Apache POI) don't just write to System.err when a...