I need to standardize on how I classify and handle errors/exceptions 'gracefully'.
I currently use a process by which I report the errors to a function passing an error-number, severity-code, location-info and extra-info-string. This function returns boolean true if the error is fatal and the app should die, false otherwise. As part of ...
The organization that I currently work for seems to be heading in the direction of dictating to software developers which tools, languages, frameworks, etc. must be used. However, nobody has convinced me that this is a good thing. The main argument I have heard is that it will make training easier. But, after developing software for over...
I stumbled upon this 'list of programming' languages and found that popular languages like Python are not standardized? Why is that, and what does 'Standardized' mean anyway?
I have had the question posed at my work that, since we are planning to eventually move to Sharepoint 2010 for most of our Development, and since Sharepoint 2010 supports asp.net web parts, should we start moving all of our new development to be exclusively asp.net web parts?
It was also asked how prism factors into all of this.
So my ...