
installing starling on windows

I am trying to install the starling gem on my windows machine. But, whenever I try to install it i get this error: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing starling: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. c:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb install starling -- --srcdir= c:\ruby-1.8.7...

Cannot start workling_starling_client in rails production environment

I was using god to start and monitor my starling and workling daemons. Works awesome on development machine but "workling_starling_client" refuses to start on my production machine. ...

Starling: How to speed up the queue

I've launched a website today which makes heavy use of Starling and Workling to handle the background task queue. Traffic has been heavy and although my server CPU/memory has not been under too much strain, the job queue is seriously backing up. I am inexperienced with both Starling and Workling and urgently need to understand how I ca...

Problems with starling/workling in production mode

Hi All, I have a rails app that has asynchronous processing, and I'm having trouble getting it to work in production mode. i start starling from the root of the application like so: starling -d -P tmp/pids/ -q log/ then i start workling like this ./script/workling_client start -t the first time i ran this, it complain...

Workling return store not retreiving value from set

In my apps/controllers/model_controller.rb I have (names of models/methods changed to protect the innocent): def background_sync @background_task_uid = Model.async_process_model_cache({:name => 'name'}) @model_sync = # Adds a new record in the queue of pending jobs @model_sync.process_id = @background_task_uid # Puts ...

Workling logs in production

Anyone now why I can't see logs for workling in workling.output or production.log? In development the logs show up in the development.log. In my environments/production.rb I have the log levl set to debug. config.log_level = :debug I'm starting Starling and Workling like this server > /usr/bin/starling -d -P /tmp/pids/ -L...

Working with Starling and multiple instances of Mongrel through Mongrel Cluster

Situation: In a typical cluster setup, I have a 5 instances of mongrel running behind Apache 2. In one of my initializer files, I schedule a cron task using Rufus::Scheduler which basically sends out a couple of emails. Problem: The task runs 5 times, once for each mongrel instance and each recipient ends up getting 5 mails (...

Ways to monitor Workling instances in a Rails app

I'm currently using Workling with Starling on a rails app. Although I like Workling, I find it kinda hard to monitor. To make matters worse, I have a couple of Workling instances. Workling is running with the :multiple set to 'true' (inside workling_client). I can see the pid for each instance and such, but I want to know if they're ac...

Message Queues Vs DB Table Queue via CRON

We have a large project coming up soon with quite a lot of media processing (Images, Video) as well email output etc, the sort of stuff normally we'd put into a table called "email_queue" and we use a cron to run a script process the queue in the table. I have been reading a lot on Message Queue systems like beanstalkd, and have even se...

Workling worker cannot find newly added record

Hello, I'm using Starling and Workling to process background tasks in my application, a Swoopo-style auction site. In this case the background task is a notification system that monitors auctions and notifies the winner. The monitor is invoked upon creation of the auction object. My problem is that my monitoring code can't find the auct...

Rails backgroud job processing

I am using starling as a queue server in my rails application. so each time i want to call worker method, I have to start starling and workling client from console. Is there a way where as soon as the passenger is started my workling and starling both get auto started Or preciously when i will call the worker method then only my worlin...

Sinatra message Queue

Starling is a great (at least for small projects) and simple message queue, however, it doesn't actually manage or start workers that consume the queues. Workling does this for Rails projects, but doesn't work for pure ruby applications, neither for Sinatra. Before I fork workling, or create my own custom one with threads/fork, is there...